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大连理工大学出版社 Section III 3.3.1 概述   描写就是形象化的叙述,即用生动、形象的语言将人物、事物、景物等的特征和性质活灵活现地刻画或描绘出来,使读者如见其人、如闻其声、如临其境。为了使人或事物的特征跃然纸上,我们往往在写文章时把叙述和描写结合起来。描写文一般运用排比、比喻等修辞手法,特别注重细节的描写。 另外,写描写文还要注意措辞和关联词的使用,这些是文章必不可少的润滑剂。 3.3.1 概述   就描写对象而言,描写可分为人物描写、景物描写和场面描写。   (1) 人物描写:指描写人物的肖像、语言、动作、心理活动及生活细节等,旨在塑造活灵活现的人物。在描写人物时应刻画人物的外貌及思想感情,而思想感情常通过人物本身的言行举止表现出来。 如对My English Teacher的描述:   My English teacher is a woman of medium-height. She is in her thirties. She always has a smile on her face and a kind word for her students. She gives people the impression that she is a patient, responsible and easy-going teacher.   This picture of my teacher is true. She devotes herself to the cause of education. She prepares and organizes her lesson so well that we are fully attentive in her class. After class she gives lessons to students who have been absent from school. With her help we have become more and more interested in English. As a matter of fact, she is more a good friend to us than a respected teacher. 1 描写文的分类 3.3.1 概述   (2) 景物描写:是指对山川风光、鸟树鱼虫、风花雪月等的描写。 描写景物时可以描绘它的外貌、位置和环境,也可以简单地介绍它的历史、地理及经济地位。 在描写中注意交代清楚观察者与景物、景物各个部分之间、景物与周围环境之间的关系。 如下面对Sunset 的描述:   After school on my way home, I saw the sun hanging low above the horizon. The sky was alive with long streaks of red and gold. The sun, at the end of a day’s journey, makes the clouds look like the Garden of Eden. Charmed by the scene, I stood still on the path, conscious neither of time, nor space, nor people who passed by. A feeling of happiness and admiration came over me, I was lost in the beauty of nature. 1 描写文的分类 3.3.1 概述   (3) 场面描写:指对一个特定时间和地点发生的事情的描写,如劳动场面、会议场面、战斗场面等的描写。 在描述场景时可遵循空间顺序, 或是先给出概观再详细描述。 如下面对The Spring Festival的描述:   With the New Year round the corner, every family is busy getting ready for it. All the housewives at this time would give their house an extra cleaning, make all the things clean, tidy and keep everything in its right place.   On New Year’s Eve, all the family members gather together to have a big dinner. They stay u


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