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信息匹配题型 PAGE PAGE 3 抽检必考题型——信息匹配 (一)左栏是一些学生心中的烦恼:右栏是解决问题的建议。请根据左栏的题号在右栏中找出与其相配的一项并将答案的字母编号写在题前的括号内。右栏中有一项是多余的。 ( )1.I am the benchwarmer(坐冷板凳的人)of my soccer team.When there is a game ,the coach never asks me to play.I think I’m a good player but I haven’t had the chance to show it .How do I get my coach to let me play? ( )2.What can I do if I find that my best friend has been telling me lies(谎) ( )3.My mom always buys me clothes I don’t like!But I usually don’t tell her I don’t like them. I’m worried I’ll hurt her feelings .Sometimes I tell her what I want to wear.But she still gets me what she wants me to wear .What should I do? ( )4.I’m a top student in my class.But my best friend’s school grade is not good .Before the mid-term exams , he asked me to “help”him—give him answers in the exam .I don’t know what to do . He is my best friend . But I don’t want to cheat(作弊) in exams either . ( )5.My best friend is telling everybody about my low grade(分数)on a test . I’m mad at her .What should I do ? A.If your mom thinks the clothes you like aren’t good for you , you won’t change her mind .But you should share your ideas with her when you go shopping . Try this, “I like these jeans because they’re comfortable,” or “I don’t like lacey(有花边的)things.”With a little time and effort , you’ll be able to get what you want . B.You have every right to be angry , and you should tell your friend how you feel . You could say , “My grades are my business , not yours. I’m angry that you told people my test score . You had no right to do that .” Give her a chance to say sorry .Remember that a true friend shouldn’t enjoy making you look bad . C.First put yourself in your friend’s shoes . Why did he or she need to lie to you? Is he or she in a dilemma(为难)?Then imagine you were in his or her position . Would you have done the same thing?If you would ,then you have a reason to forgive them . D.This is a problem for friendship . You need to tell your friend to give your things bac


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