褚颖-文化万象:英语视听说(中国篇)Chpater 1 Chinese Customs(Eileen 1).pptxVIP

褚颖-文化万象:英语视听说(中国篇)Chpater 1 Chinese Customs(Eileen 1).pptx

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Chapter 1 Chinese Customs and more; 食不语,寝不言。 ——孔子 君子无所争。必也射乎!揖让而升,下而饮。其争也君子。 ——孔子 礼,与其奢也,宁俭;丧,与其易也,宁戚。 ——孔子 ? ;When dining, the Master did not talk. When in bed, he did not speak. —Confucius 食不语,寝不言。 ——孔子 A gentleman contends for nothing. If there should be a contention, that must be in archery. To begin with, he greets his rival courteously, then enters the archery range. Having competed, he descends, and has a drink with the rival. Such is the gentleman-like contention. —Confucius 君子无所争。必也射乎!揖让而升,下而饮。其争也君子。 ——孔子 When holding a ceremony, it is better to be frugal than extravagant. In performing a funeral, it is better to show grief than to maintain composed. —Confucius 礼,与其奢也,宁俭;丧,与其易也,宁戚。孔子 ? ; Q 1: If you were asked to describe China briefly, what would you say? Q 2: Please interpret the introduction into English. ;一条古老的黄河贯穿东西,流淌千年。蚕丝制成衣服;黏土烧成陶瓷;石头垒出了万里长城。这个国度创造了很多奇迹:长城、敦煌莫高窟、兵马俑、功夫。 中国的首都是北京,她开放国门,拥抱世界。2008年奥运会和2010年世博会都在中国举办。北京的京剧和西方的歌剧在这里同台。世界各国的文化在这里同放异彩。 这就是中国。希望你可以理解她、欣赏她、爱上 她。黄皮肤、黑眼睛的中国人,张开双臂欢迎你。;Traditional Chinese Festivals?;Let’s talk about traditional Chinese festivals. What are they? What are we supposed to do on that day? What is the most important traditional Chinese festival? Describe one that is most meaningful to you. ;On the Lunar calendar;Vocabulary crescent n.新月形;月牙形 adj.新月 (形)的 cycle n.循环 division n.分配;分开 severe adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的 ? ;Directions: Listen to the recording,and then sum up its main idea. You may do this either in Chinese or English. The main idea of the passage is ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ;Directions: Try your be


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