中职英语教案:Unit1 Personal and Family life Reading.doc

中职英语教案:Unit1 Personal and Family life Reading.doc

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江苏省XY中等专业学校2022-2023-1教案 编号: 备课组别 英 语 课程名称 英 语 所在 年级 一年级 主备 教师 授课教师 授课系部 授课班级 授课 日期 课题 Unit Personal and Family life Reading 教学 目标 1.Read use the words and the useful phrases correctly 2. Be able to read family introductions and obtain key information. 3. Finish the task according to the passage. 重点 To master the important words phrases. Read the words correctly. 难点 How to improve the Ss’ reading ability. 教法 Task—based Teaching Method. Situational learning. 教学设备 Multi-media . CD 教学 环节 教学活动内容及组织过程 个案补充 教 学 内 容 Step 1:Revision Review the important words and phrases learned in the last lesson. Step 2:Warming up Think and discuss. Present some questions: Who do you live with? Are your parents strict with you? Do you do sports with your parents? Can you keep pets? Revision Discussion 教 学 内 容 Step 3: Pre-reading 9. Think and discuss. Present the scene of some people and ask the students to discuss the question with their partner:. Q:Who do you like to live with most,your parents, your grandparents or your roommates? Teacher invite some students to share their opinions. Step 4:While-reading 10. Read and underline. Ask the Ss to read the content of the passages quickly to grasp the general idea of them and underline the family members. Check the answers together. Ask the students to and give feedback. 11. Read and complete. Ask the Ss to read the passages again and fill the key elements of the two families into the corresponding positions . The teacher check and give feedback. Then ask several students to report back their opinions. Ss brainstorm and discuss the question. Ss read the passages and find the main idea. Finish the tasks and check the answers together. 教 学 内 容 12. Read and match. Ask the Ss to read the introductions of the two families carefully and match the things that would happen with the two families. Check and ask the students to explain their reasons and give feedback. Step 5:Post-reading Underline the following key words, phrases and


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