青少版新概念3B Unit 25 Body image.ppt

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Is there anyone in this house? I must find Xiaolan. She is in this house. living room dining room bathroom bedroom kitchen ____________________while he was taking the scissors. +2 ___________________while he was walking. Conan bumped himself Conan cut himself +1 ___________________ while he was looking at a mirror. Conan scared himself ___________________ while he saw a mirror. Conan burnt himself 0 ___________________ while he was walking. Conan injured himself 当Conan坐在椅子上的时候他伤了自己。 Conan hurt himself while he was sitting. 0 ___________________ while he was singing. Conan enjoyed himself +1 ___________________ while he was there. Conan shocked himself 他们打了自己。 They fighted themselves。 他们烧到了自己。 They burnt themselves。 他们杀了自己。 They killed themselves。 Conan was dead. The End They ran out of the house. * I enjoy myself. He enjoys _____. She/It/You/They/We You enjoy yourself. You enjoy yourselves. They enjoy themselves. We enjoy ourselves. There are some other verbs that we can use. He warms himself. warm The moth burns itself. He burns himself. burn shave He shaves himself. hurt But he hurts himself. injure He injures himself. Who can tell the differences? burn hurt injure burn 名词 指烧伤,灼伤;烙印;灼痛感 hurt可指对身体上的伤害,也指对心灵造成的伤害 injure 一般是指在事故中受伤,往往意为“外伤”。 weighing machine weigh He weighs himself. when表示“当……的时候” while表示“当……的时候”(while+V-ing) as表示“当……的时候”(as+V-ing) 当Anna正在喝茶的时候Debbie进来了. (when) Anna was drinking tea when Debbie came. 当她正在讲话的时候老师进来了。(when) She was talking when the teacher came. 当他们正在看电视的时候Tony睡着了.(while) Tony fell asleep while they were watching TV. 当他们正在读书的时候Alice 摔倒了。(while) Alice fell over while they were reading. 当她正下公交车的时候她的书掉在了车上。 She dropped her books while/as she was getting off the bus. 当Claire正在购物的时候丢了钱包。 Claire lost her purse while/as she was shopping 当Paul正在看电视的时候睡着了。 Paul fell asleep while/as he was watching TV. 当他正在吃早饭的时候他肚子痛。 He had a stomache while/as he was eating breakfast. Anna Unit 25 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 Reflexive prono



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