8A M1 U1分析和总结分析和总结.docx

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8A Module 1 Unit 1 A letter from a penfriend I.主要词汇 写出下列单词的中文: baseball (n.) 棒球2.title (n.) 标题3.corner (n.) 角落4.metre (n.) 米 5.own (v.) = have 拥有6.nearby (adv.) 靠近7.college (n.) 大学8.university (n.) 大学9.accountant (n.) 会计 10.during (prep.) 在什么期间11.keen (adj.) _喜爱 12.ski (v.) 滑雪13.best (adj.) 最好 physics (n.) 物理的 ambition (n.) 理想的 physical (a.) 物理 ambitious (a.) 理想 maybe (adv.) 可 能 17.enclose (v.) 随信附上_ 18.height (n.) 高度19.dream (n.) 梦想20.probably (adv.) 可能21.tie (n.) 领带22.roof (s) 屋顶 high (adj.) 高的 23. architect (n.) 工程师 工程 写出下列词组的中文: My hobby _我的兴趣chess _喜欢下棋 architecture (n.) enjoy playing be keen on = go in for = be fond of = be interested in = enjoy = like 喜欢做某事 Table tennis 乒乓球 restaurant nearby 在附近的中国餐厅 5.a Chinese 6.a photo of myself/me 一张有我的照片 (比较:a photo of mine 一张我的照片 ) 词汇练习: 找出划线部分的同义词: Have a sister named Jane. D A, am keen on / am fond of My school is near my house. C, B, ambition We used to walk to the cinema. E C, close to / not far from I am interested in playing tennis. A, D, called His wish is to become an engineer B, E, go…on foot 找同义词: B.找同义词: A, wrap A, wrap B, good at C, ambition D, interested in Are you keen on sports? D I will enclose your letter with mine.A My sister‘s wish is to be a doctor.C 主要语法: A.重点句型: I would like to be your pen-friend. Would like to = want to Would you like to …? = Do you want to …? 练一练1:(不变句意) I would like to eat a little ice cream. I want to eat a little ice cream. Would you like to go to Beijing by plane? would_ you _like to go to Beijing by plane? I wouldn‘t like to go there alone. I would like to go there alone. I have never been there. Have been to + 地点 + once/ twice / three times / many times 去过某地一次/二次/三次/许多次 Where have you been? 你去哪儿啦?(去过某地,现在回来了) I have been to the library. 我去图书馆了。(刚才在图书馆,现在回来了) Have gone to + 地点 (去了某地,现在还没有回来) Where is Peter? He has gone to the library. Have been in + 地点 + for a year / since 2


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