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PAGE PAGE 10 9A Module 1 Unit 1 The night of the horse 词汇学习: 单词: stair (n.) 楼梯 plain (n.) 平原 Troy (n.) 特洛伊 Trojan (n.) 特洛伊人 beyond (prep.) 在…较远的一边;越过… 5.Greek (n.) 希腊人 Greece (n.) 希腊6.capture (v.) 攻占;夺取 wheel (n.) 轮子 drag (v.) 拖;拉 citizen (n.) = a person who lives in a city 市民;公民 city (n.) 城市 joke (n.) 笑话 enemy (n.) 敌人 securely (adv.) = safely 牢牢地;安全地 security = safety secure = safe 13.include (v.) = contain 包含 including (prep.) 包括…在内 midnight (n.) 半夜 army (n.) 军队,部队 darkness (n.) 黑暗 dark (adj.) = not bright 黑暗的17.seize (v.) 抓住 succeed (v.) = achieve 获得成功 success (n.) 成功 successful (a.) 成功的 fit (v.) 适合 fit (adj.) = healthy 健康的 refuse (v.) = say no to 拒绝 manage (v.) = succeed in doing something difficult 完成困难的事 independent (adj.) 独立的 23,celebrate (v.) 庆祝 celebration (n.) 庆祝 词组: at a time 每次 2. no longer = not…any longer 不再 3. go to sleep 入睡 4. except for 只不过… 5. come on 得了吧 6. look down at… 朝下看 7. take sth. with sb. 随身携带某物 8. make sure 确保,确信 9. obey orders 服从命令 10. make jokes 开玩笑 11. through a trick 通过一个计谋 12. sail away 坐船走了 主要语法: A.词义辨析: besides, except 和 except for 的区别: besides 除了… 之外 (包括…) except 除了… 之外 (不包括…) eg. Yesterday they went to the cinema besides Tom. = Yesterday they went to the cinema. Tom went there ,too. Yesterday they went to the cinema except Tom. = Yesterday they went to the cinema, but Tom didn’t go there. 2)except = not including 除了…之外 except for = not including / without 除了…之外;要不是…;只是… except 和 except for 都有“除了…”的意思,但是在用法上有区别,except 常常指从整体里排除个体,except for 表示对整体主要部分加以肯定外,仍有部分不应肯定。 We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday. 2)The composition is good except for the spelling. 练一练 1:(用 besides, except 或 except for 填空) We study English Chinese and maths. Mrs.Smith waters the flowers every day on rainy day. 3) Xiao Li, we all attend the meeting. be made of, be made from 和 be made in 的区别: be made of sth. 由… 制成的(制成品看得出用的是什么原料) be made from sth. 由… 制成的(制成品看不出用的是什么原料) be made in + 地点 在某地制成的 eg. The table is made of wood. This kind of paper


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