Europe From Above《鸟瞰欧洲(2019)》第三季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Europe From Above《鸟瞰欧洲(2019)》第三季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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?这是葡萄牙 你从未见过的美丽国家 This is Portugal, as its never been seen before. 我们将从高空视角 展现欧洲大hearts;陆hearts;西部边陲地带的面纱 From above, well reveal continental Europes western frontier, 古老的传统与现代文明相互碰撞 where ancient traditions collide with the modern world 造就了这里极具反差和惊奇的景观 to create a landscape of contrasts and surprises. 在这一系列中 我们将进行一场横跨欧洲的空中之旅 In this series, well take an aerial tour across Europe, 以全新的视角欣赏这里的风景 seeing its sights from a brand-new perspective. 航拍历时整整一年 Filmed from above over the course of a single year, 景观更迭 四季交替 as the landscape transforms through the changing seasons, 我们将会探索塑造了我们今日所见的 we will uncover the culture, 伟大欧洲国家的 history, and engineering 文化 历史和工程设计 that built the great European nations we see today. 葡萄牙是欧洲大hearts;陆hearts;最西端的国家 Portugal is mainland Europes westernmost country. 它东面与西班牙接壤 西面毗邻汹涌的大西洋 It borders Spain to the east and the fierce Atlantic Ocean to the west. 这片土地极具反差性 Its a land of contrasts. 干燥的南部是度假天堂 The dry south is a paradise for tourists 游客可以沐浴在阿尔加维 阳光普照的沙滩上 who soak up the sun-drenched beaches of the Algarve. 再往内陆 是连绵不绝的山丘和田园草地 Further inland, the rolling hills and pastoral grasslands 拥有得天独厚的大hearts;陆hearts;性气候 are blessed with a continental climate. 是葡萄牙的农业中心地带 This is the countrys agricultural heartland. 而在勤劳的西海岸 占据主导的 是两个历史悠久的港口城市 And on the industrious west coast, two historic port cities dominate: 波尔图和首都里斯本 Porto, and the nations capital, Lisbon. 里斯本的街道每年都会给这里的居民 Every year, Lisbons streets hold a special surprise 准备一个特殊的惊喜 for the people who live here, 路边一行行的蓝花楹花朵 as row after row of purple jacaranda flowers 绽放出绚丽的紫色 burst into color. 预示着春天的到来 Spring has arrived. 春季 春天 葡萄牙整装以待 迎接每年涌入的大批游客 In spring, the country gears up for its annual influx of visitors. 平均每年 In an average year, 葡萄牙的旅游业 约占国内生产总值的百分之二十 Portugals tourist industry contributes around 20% to the countrys GDP, 从业人员约占总人口的十分之一 and employs around one in ten of the population, 领先于一些传统行业 如葡萄酒 大理石和软木塞 ahead of traditional industries like wine, marble and cork.


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