Europe From Above《鸟瞰欧洲(2019)》第四季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Europe From Above《鸟瞰欧洲(2019)》第四季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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?这是丹麦 你从未见过的美丽国家 This is Denmark, as youve never seen it before. 我们将从空中视角 From above, 乐高积木 比隆乐高乐园 展示这个有着丰富航海传统的岛国 well reveal an island nation rich in seafaring tradition, 丹麦联合汽船有限公hearts;司hearts; 革新的思想正在把这个国家打造成 where innovative thinking is helping the nation shape 欧洲的未来之光 the Europe of tomorrow. 在这一系列中 我们将进行一场 横跨欧洲的空中之旅 In this series, we take an aerial tour across Europe, 航拍历时整整一年 filmed over the course of a single year, 四季交替 and through the changing seasons, 我们将会探索 we will uncover the culture, 塑造了我们今日所见的 history, and engineering 伟大欧洲国家的 文化、历史和工程设计 that built the great European nations we see today. 丹麦 丹麦是最小的北欧国家 Denmark is the smallest of the Nordic nations. 丹麦 它由日德兰半岛 以及其他1000多个岛屿组成 Its made up of the Jutland peninsula and well over a 1000 islands 它们共同把守着波罗的海的入口 which guard the entrance to the Baltic Sea 波罗的海 以及它那数不胜数的贸易港口 and its rich trading ports. 丹麦虽小 却是历史大国 Despite its size, Denmark is a country of historical power, 它的王国领土可延伸到 法罗群岛和格陵兰岛 and its royal kingdom stretched as far as the Faroe Islands and Greenland. 格陵兰岛 法罗群岛 丹麦 丹麦地处重要贸易航线 The nations position on a vital trade route 它的绝大多数主要城市都有出海口 means most of its major cities have access to the sea. 包括位于日德兰半岛北部的奥尔堡 From Aalborg in Northern Jutland, 它的第二大城市奥尔胡斯 Aarhus, its second largest city, 以及这个国家的权力中心 富丽繁华的哥本哈根 and colorful Copenhagen, the nations center of power. 甚至位于菲英岛的内陆城市欧登塞 Even the inland city of Odense, on the island of Funen, 也可通过一条长达八米的运河 与大海相连 is connected to the sea by an eight kilometer canal. 整个冬天 丹麦首都一片银装素裹 Through winter, Denmarks capital is covered in a layer of frost, 随着天气变暖 市中心湖面的冰开始融化 but as the weather warms the ice covering its city center lakes melts 港口不再受冰冻天气的影响 and the port is freed from its frozen grip. 丹麦迎来了它的春季 Spring arrives in Denmark. 春天 随着大地变暖 丹麦的580万人口中 As the landscape warms, many of Denmarks 5.8 million people 绝大多数人会去亲近大自然 摆脱冬日的烦闷与不快 take to nature to shake off their winter blues, 人们会在凉爽的波罗的海中游泳玩水 including a dip in the cold Baltic Sea. 丹麦总共有93个冷水浴场 The


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