Europe From Above《鸟瞰欧洲(2019)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Europe From Above《鸟瞰欧洲(2019)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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?这是罗马尼亚 This is Romania, 你从未见过的美丽国家 as youve never seen it before. 从上往下看 我们会发现一个对比鲜明的景观 From above, well reveal a contrasting landscape 古老的传说和乡间传统得以保存 where old legends and rural traditions 于这里的高山丛林间 have been preserved in the depths of mountains 而现代工程和创新则结合起来 and where modern engineering and innovation 推动一个国家重建它的辉煌过去 combine to drive a nation, rebuilding its past. 在这一系列中 In this series, 我们将进行一次横跨欧洲的空中之旅 well take an aerial tour across Europe. 航拍历时整整一年 Filmed over the course of a single year 四季交替 and through the changing seasons, 我们将会探索 well uncover the culture, 塑造了我们今日所见的 history and engineering 伟大欧洲国家的 文化 历史和工程设计 that built the great European nations we see today. 罗马尼亚位于欧洲中部 东部和东南部的交界处 Romania sits at the crossroads of central, eastern and southeastern Europe. 罗马尼亚 西边有塞尔维亚和匈牙利 With Serbia and Hungary to the west 塞尔维亚 匈牙利 以及北部和东北部的 乌克兰和摩尔多瓦 and Ukraine and Moldova to the north and northeast. 乌克兰 摩尔多瓦 多瑙河构成罗马尼亚 The Danube River forms Romanias natural border 与南部保加利亚之间的天然边界 with Bulgaria to the south, 黑海 保加利亚 喀尔巴阡山脉占据其中心地带 and the Carpathian mountain range dominates its heart. 喀尔巴阡山脉 罗马尼亚广阔的平原 Romanias contrasting landscape 起伏的丘陵和崎岖的山脉 is defined by vast plains, 构成了其对比鲜明的地貌 rolling hills and rugged mountains. 沿着多瑙河走 Following the Danube river 可以看到在古代统治了这片土地的 reveals the carved head of Decebalus, 达契亚国王 德凯巴鲁斯的雕刻头像 king of the Dacians, who ruled this land in ancient times. 童话般的城hearts;堡hearts;和坚固的教堂矗立 Fairy tale castles and fortified churches 提醒着人们 撒克逊人曾在中世纪 stand as a reminder of when the Saxons took control 统领这里的历史 during the middle ages. 罗马尼亚的广阔平原以农业为主 Romanias vast plains are dominated by agriculture. 该国有大约2000万人口 The country has a population of around twenty million people 其中仅有不到一半的人 生活在乡村地区 and just under half of them live in rural areas. 现今这国家是欧洲其中一个 主要的食品生产国 Today, the nation is one of Europes leading food producers. 十二月 In December, 雪花飘落在罗马尼亚 历史悠久的山谷中 a dusting of snow falls across Romanias historic valleys. 城市的屋顶从红色变成白色 Urban rooftops turn from



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