Europe From Above《鸟瞰欧洲(2019)》第四季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Europe From Above《鸟瞰欧洲(2019)》第四季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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?这是苏格兰 This is Scotland 你从未见过的美丽国家 as youve never seen it before. 我们将从高空视角 展现其壮观景色 From above, well discover a country of spectacular panoramas 在这里 风景书写着历史 where the landscape has forged the nations rich history 也塑造着未来 and continues to shape its future. 在这一系列中 我们将进行一场横跨欧洲的空中之旅 In this series, well take an aerial tour across Europe. 航拍历时整整一年 景观更迭 四季交替 Filmed over the course of a single year, and through the changing seasons 我们将会探索 塑造了我们今日所见的 we will uncover the culture, history, and engineering 伟大欧洲国家的 文化 历史和工程设计 that built the great European nations we see today. 苏格兰 苏格兰位于英国最北部 Scotland is the UKs most northerly nation 西接北爱尔兰 with Northern Ireland and England 南接英格兰 its nearest neighbors to the west and south. 苏格兰有550万人口 大多生活在城市集群中 The majority of the 5.5 million Scots live in a cluster of towns and cities 这些集群位于其两大人口重镇之间 situated between the two population centers 即格拉斯哥和爱丁堡 of Glasgow and Edinburgh. 苏格兰北部是崎岖的山地 To the north, lies a rugged region 称为苏格兰高地 三大岛屿群也坐落于此 called the Highlands and three major groups of islands. 苏格兰著名的岛屿拥有壮美的海滩 Scotlands famous islands are home to spectacular beaches 和壮丽的风景 and soaring scenery. 广阔的高地上 耸立着英国最高山脉 Its expansive highlands boast the UKs tallest mountains 遍布充满历史气息的湖泊和河谷 and are filled with historic Lochs and Glens. 在其城市中心 随着天气转暖 In its urban heart, 游客纷纷涌向首都 爱丁堡 as the weather warms, tourists flock to the capital, Edinburgh. 著名的皇家英里大街热闹非凡 The famous Royal Mile swells 25万名游客前来 参加爱丁堡边缘艺术节 as 250,000 visitors arrive for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 共庆这一世界著名的艺术节 the worlds largest arts festival. 夏天到了 Summer comes to Scotland. 夏天 游客涌向阳光照射下的高地 Visitors head to the sun-kissed Highlands, 欣赏壮美的景色 寻找尼斯湖传说中的湖怪 and its spectacular scenery to look for the fabled monster in Loch Ness 参加著名的高地运动会 and take in the famous Highland Games, which are thought to have originated 人们认为该运动会起源于 苏格兰部族间的会议 during meetings between Scotlands famous historical clans. 尽管有时这些比赛项目会引发冲突 Although sometimes, these rivalries led to conflict 和流血事件 但游客



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