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小型HTAC室式炉过程检测控制系统设计 摘要 本系统主要是设计小型HTAC室式炉过程检测控制系统。通过触摸屏来实现对下位机(单片机C语言)的数据基于MODBUS协议帧格式的传输以及控制,并且通过PID温度控制算法对下位机的采集温度进行调节和控制。 本论文首先介绍了HATA锅炉控制系统的特点和发展和应用;其次介绍了ModBus通讯协议的知识和原理;再者解释了PID算法以及怎样实现PID算法控制温度;最后通过设计硬件图来实现对温度的采集和通信系统的控制,并实现通过触摸屏软件可以按照ModBus协议的帧格式来收发数据的软件设计。其中,下位机软件负责采集温度信息,PID控制算法的HATC室式炉的的总体设计框图、控制原理初步设计。下位机的控制系统主要是采用ATmega128单片机,并且结合一系列的硬件设计,给出了详尽的系统硬件线路、详细的控制系统流程图、功能表图以及控制软件的完整描述。 关键词:ModBus协议 PID,触摸屏软件设计 THE SMALL HTAC CHAMBER FURNACE PROCESS TEST AND CONTROL SYSTEM Abstract The System is mainly to design the small HTAC chamber furnace test and control system. The system to achieve the ultimate goal is to transmit and control the data from single chip (single chip C langhage) based on ModBus protocol by the toutch screen software interface, and the system will adjust and control the single chip through the PID algorithm. Firstly, this paper introduct the characteristic, the development and the application of the HATA chamber furnace; secondly, it gives the information of the Modbus communication protocol and theory; thirdly, it explains the PID algorithm and how to use the algorithm to achieve to control the temperature; at last, it designs the hardware theiory graph to collect the temperature and realize the order of communication system.,which is based on the toutch screen software design to achieve serial port operation. Among them, the single chip software is responsible for software acquisition information, control and acceptance of toutch screen software information, system information and the corresponding anomaly detection, etc, and then gives the overall design based on PID controlling algorithm HATC chamber furnace diagram, preliminary design of control theory。 The slave is mainly based on ATmega128, and through a serial of hardware design, and I give a detailed diagram of the system hardware line, and finally given a detailed flow chart of the control system, the menu map and a complete description of the control software Key words: ModBus Pr


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