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Cure the disease from food by food Eating rice is Eating poison! 4.3 optimize environment Credibility culture is the soft environment of IPR investment and finance accomplice Encyclopedia on Hunan. TV Deliberate incredibility 4.3 optimize environment Credibility culture is the soft environment of IPR investment and finance 恶意的 不诚信 132 The Great Wall is the only building on the earth seen from the space. Liu Bao, the Emperor of Shun in Han Dynasty 4.3 optimize environment Credibility culture is the soft environment of IPR investment and finance Zhang Heng In 132, Zhang Heng in Eastern Han invented seismograph. Deliberate incredibility 4.3 optimize environment Credibility culture is the soft environment of IPR investment and finance correct nonsense beautiful bosh popular new word rigorous formulary insincere falsehood leaders do not like truth Incredibility hard to say 4.3 optimize environment Credibility culture is the soft environment of IPR investment and finance It’s my dream. I think I will make my parents’ life better if I win the gold medal. February 21, 2010 Beijing time, Zhou Yang, the Chinese Womens 1500 - meter short-track speed skating isolated and encircled by the South Korean team, broke the Olympic record and won the championship with the scores of 2 minutes 16 seconds 993. Incredibility hard to say Deliberate incredibility Incredibility hard to say Kind incredibility Credibility crisis The biggest concept barrier of independent innovation, IPR protection and IPR investment and finance is the nation-wide default of credibility. 4.3 optimize environment Credibility culture is the soft environment of IPR investment and finance Impact of incredibility The content of the presentation is the lecturer’s independent and


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