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基于嵌入式ARM-Linux的播放器的设计与实现 摘要 随着21世纪的到来,人类进入了PC时代。在这一阶段,嵌入式技术得到了飞速发展和广泛应用。由此,本文提出了一种基于嵌入式ARM-Linux的播放器设计与实现的方案。 本文首先详细分析了ARM体系结构,研究了嵌入式Linux操作系统在ARM9微处理器的移植技术,包括交叉编译环境的建立、引导装载程序应用、移植嵌入式Linux内核及建立根文件系统,并且实现了嵌入式Linux到S3C2410开发板的移植。 由于嵌入式系统本身硬件条件的限制,常用在PC机的图形用户界面GUI系统不适合在其上运行。为此,本文选择了Minigui作为研究对象,在对其体系结构等方面进行研究基础上,实现了Minigui到S3C2410开发板的移植,完成了嵌入式图形用户界面开发,使得系统拥有良好的操作界面。 对于播放器,本文实现了Linux系统下的通用媒体播放器—Mplayer到S3C2410开发板的移植。通过对音频数据输出的研究,解决了Mp1ayer播放声音不正常的问题,实现了一个集音乐和视频播放于一体的嵌入式多媒体播放系统。 最后,总结了论文所做的工作,指出了嵌入式播放器所需要进一步解决和完善的问题。 关键词:嵌入式ARM-Linux; S3C2410; Mplayer; GUI界面; Minigui Player Designing and Implement Based On Embedded ARM-Linux Abstract Along with the 21st century arrivals, the humanity enters the post PC time. In this stage, embedded technology gets rapidly developed and widely used. So, this paper aims to design a player based on embedded ARM-Linux. First, in this paper, ARM architecture and the characteristic are analyzed in detail. The emphasis of the study is put on the porting techniques of embedded Linux operation system based on the ARM9 micro-processor, which include setting cross complier、transplanting Bootloader、transplanting embedded Linux kernel and setting root file system; Furthermore, implement the technique of transplanting Embedded Linux to S3C2410 board. GUI (Graphical User Interfaces) systems which are supported by normal PCs cannot run well on the embedded systems, just because of the restriction of the hardware of embedded devices. So, this paper selects Minigui as research object. Based on the Minigui architecture and its other aspects, the technique of transplanting Minigui to S3C2410 board is given in detail, and then an embedded GUI system is established and it also makes the handle interface friendly. About the player, this paper implements transplanting the universal player on Linux-Mplayer to S3C2410 board. By learning of audio data, it solves the problem of sound abnormality, and achieves an embedded multimedia system which could play


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