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摘 要 策略性传播研究起源于上世纪60年代的美国。这是当时各类组织面对电视 这一可视性的、受众面与应用面更为广泛的媒体的兴起,对传播策略进行的调 整。策略性传播思想的根本是面对多而复杂的受众,传播者保持自身传达信息 的一致性、正向性,利用一切跟受众接触的机会积极主动地进行自身形象的树 立。 基于美国的政治制度和媒体制度有其自身特点,美国政治界一直非常重视 传播技巧和媒体关系。这就导致了策略性传播在美国政治界的重大作用,而这 种重视更集中表现在四年一度的美国大选中。 2008年美国大选的形势特殊。一方面美国处于大萧条以来昀大的经济危机 之中,国家又被伊战所累,民众希望从糟糕的国家情况中摆脱出来。另一方面, 候选人各具特色且势均力敌。这样的一些组合与对抗更加吸引了美国媒体乃至 世界的眼光。加之新媒体的广泛应用,增添了这场竞争的战场,候选人对传播 的掌控力必须更高。因此,2008年大选候选人的媒体策略显得具有代表性和创 新性。本文首先对策略性传播的概念和特点进行梳理,然后对2008年美国大选 的各位候选人,尤其是获胜者奥巴马的策略性传播方案和实际操作进行总结分 析,从理论和现实角度探讨策略性传播在大选中的决定性作用。 关键词:策略性传播;美国大选;奥巴马 1Abstract The research on Strategic Communication begins in the United States in 1960’sAt that time, in face of the popularity of television-a media that is visible and has a huger audience, all kinds of organizations had to change their communication policyThe principle of Strategic Communication lies in the coherence of the information that communicator provides, and all the information should lead to a positive imageThis requires the disseminators the ability to appeal audience of all levels, and choose the proper time and proper media to promote themselves Because of the special election system and media system of the United States, the American politicians always endow a lot of energy on political communicationThis is the reason that Strategic Communication enjoys a broad appeal in the range of politics. We can explore the practice of Strategic Communication in American politics from Presidential Election which happens every four years In the year 2008, the United States was in a crisis. On the one hand, people were in the biggest financial storm since the Big Depression, and they were tired of Iraq War. On the other hand, the candidates were evenly matched. Also, the new media is another battle field for the candidates. All those made the 2008 Campaign Game attracted all people’s eye, and required the candidates realize Strategic Communication skills more masterly This thesis sums up the theoretical framework of Strat


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