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摘 要 兴起于上世纪 90 年代的都市报是目前中国最市民化的一类报纸。在激烈的 报业竞争中,都市报不断进行定位和版面风格的调整,越来越重视版面视觉元 素的表现力。但是,有部分报纸为了追求轰动效应,吸引眼球,却逐渐出现庸 俗小报的特点,尽管可以提高报纸的销量,但对报业的长期健康发展、对读者 审美情趣的培养显然是不利的。 符号承载着意义,对于小报来说,为了达到夸张、煽情、轰动的效果,必 然要配以夸张的视觉处理手法,而报纸的整体形象也是首先通过视觉符号呈现 在读者面前,吸引读者进行阅读。在我国,由于对新闻内容某种程度上的管控, 都市报自觉不自觉地在强化小报化的视觉处理技巧,在某些方面的做法甚至比 西方小报还要严重。因此,本文拟从视觉传播这一角度探讨都市报的小报化倾 向,并具体分析目前都市报小报化的视觉表征,期望对报业起到一定警示作用。 关键词:都市报;小报;视觉传播 3 Abstract The Metropolis Daily, emerged in the 1990s, is one of the newspapers which most closed to civilians life. In the intense newspaper industry competition, the Metropolis Daily carried on the localization and the page layout style adjustment unceasingly, and paid more and more attention to the expressive force of the page layout vision element. However, some newspapers to pursue sensationalism and attract the eyeballs, actually gradually presented the characteristics of vulgar tabloids. Although it might enhance the sales volume of the newspapers, but it is obviously disadvantageous to the long-term healthy development of newspaper industry and cultivate aesthetic sentiment. The sign represents significance. To achieve the exaggerated and sensational effect, the tabloid is bound to follow exaggerated visual processing technique, on the other hand, the overall image of a newspaper is also first presented through the visual symbols in front of the reader, and attracts the reader to carry on reading. In our country, because of the news content can be controlled to some extent, the metropolis daily is strengthening the visual processing skill of tabloid consciously or unconsciously,


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