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论文摘要 2008年5月1 日,酝酿许久的《政府信息公开条例》正式生效,这个条例 的实施有利于消除政府和民众之间的信息不对称,加强人民群众的知情权以及 舆论监督。而在条例实施之后进行有关流言传播的研究,有很多切入点可以进 入。 近年来,伴随着信息技术的迅猛发展,人们获得资讯的速度、广度、详实 度都是八九年前无法比拟的。但是,获取信息量的增多却并没有使流言,这个 看不见、摸不着,却又时时刻刻存在于我们周围的东西消失。相反,它却借助 互联网、手机等新媒体传播四方,触动人们的敏感神经,有的流言甚至对我们 的社会造成了巨大的损失。从2001年发生在天津的“艾滋病扎针”事件到2003 年肆虐全国的“SARS”疫情,从2007年的海南“香蕉致癌”事件到去年秋天发 生在四川广元的“柑蛆”事件,可以说,但凡我们社会发生任何突发危机事件, 流言总会在它左右相伴。 国内外很多学者都对流言传播进行了多方面的论述,但专就流言传播变异 与社会心理的关系进行深入分析的文章却并不多见。因此,本文将在前人研究 的基础上,主要采用文献研究法,试图展现流言变异背后的诸多社会心理因素, 以及这些心理因素对流言变异影响程度的排名,从而让人们更加深刻地了解流 言传播这种现象。 关键词:流言;变异;社会心理 Abstract Many scholars in and out of China have done many researches on the rumor communication from different aspects, but there is rarely to see the article on the relation between the variation of rumor communication and social psychology. Therefore, this paper will use the method of literature research, trying to exhibit several factors of social psychology behind the rumor communication, and the ranking of these factors of its impact on the variation of the rumor on the basis of the researches done by the people before, so as to let people know the phenomenon of the rumor communication profoundly. On May 1, 2008, after brewing for a long time, the “Government Information Disclosure Law” went into effect; the implementation of this law is propitious to eliminate the information asymmetry between the government and the people, reinforcing the right to know and public opinion supervision of the people. And there are many cut-in points to enter the research field of the rumor communication after its implementation. In recent years, with the rapid development of the information technology, the spee


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