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摘要  本论文描述了GDC955/45对辊成型机的设计和计算过程,并对关键部位进行了分析和研究。 工业对辊成型机是一种应用到型煤生产中的关键设备,属于工程机械。对辊成型机是由压辊、轴承、给料系统、承压支架、减速器(传动装置)、润滑系统、等机构组成。与传统低速重载、刚性不足的老式减速器相比,它具有体积小、重量轻、成本低廉等优点。 对辊组件直接关系到型煤煤球的成球质量,工业型煤是一种广泛应用到冶金、制造化肥、电厂等工业领域、对节能、环保都具有重要意义的清洁、高效的新型燃料。本设计在对辊辊轮与对辊轴之间采用胀套无键连接技术,两对对辊辊轮之间必须具有良好的对中性,否则会影响成型质量。采用胀套无键连接的优点是可以方便的松开胀套对辊轮进行调整,保证型煤的成球率。 在给料系统中,本装置采用了螺旋强迫加料装置,采用此装置可满足对辊成型机对加料速度,加料压力及物料密度的匹配要求大大提高了型煤的成球强度。 本设计机架采用螺杆连接结构,此种机架制作简便,而且承载能力强,拆装方便,基本满足大型对辊成型机的工作要求。 关键词:对辊成型机;工业型煤;螺旋加料;液压加载 ABSTRACT The process of the design and calculations GDC955/45 roll-type forming machine is described, and the crucial units are analyzed and investigated. Industry roll-type forming machine is a crucial device applied to the manufacturing of shape-coal. It’s a kind of engineering machine. Roll-type machine consists of units such as pressing rolls, bearing, feeding system, bearing beam ,three-staged velocity-reduction gearbox (transmission system), lubricating system, and hydraulic pressing system, etc .compared conventional forming machine ,with heavy-burden and inadequate rigidity, it is of small-volume,;low-weight and low-cost. Double rolls have a direct relation to the forming-quality of shape-coal. Industry shape-coal is a new-type of clean ,effective fuel which is widely applied to various industry field such as metallurgical industry ,manufacturing industry chemical fertilizer, calcium carbide and has a vital significance to energys-aving and environment-protection business. Design in the paper uses expanded–casing and no-key connecting technology and it must be guaranteed that it must be of good centering character- istic betwween ball groves of the two rolls. Otherwise the forming quality will be seriously affected. Use expanded-casing and no-key connecting technology, rolls can can be conveniently adjusted by loosning expanded-casing to ensure the forming rate of shape coal. In the feeding system, the frequency conversion-timinghelix feeding equipment is adopted in the system which


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