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摘 要 西方发达国家的经验已证明小型商业银行在金融服务中的重要性。但是小银行制度是否适合我国,在学界仍存有争议。本文在借鉴西方发达国家经验的基础上,以信息经济学和激励理论为主要分析工具,结合产业组织和发展经济学等相关理论,对以下两个问题进行了探讨:一是小型商业银行制度在我国是否有存在的空间和必要性,二是我国小型商业银行如何才能生存和发展,从而为我国小型商业银行制度变革的路径选择提供政策建议。 研究发现,鉴于中小企业对我国经济发展有着重要意义,小型商业银行应该在为中小企业提供金融服务方面发挥积极作用,而小型商业银行在处理“软”信息方面的比较优势则为此提供了可能性。小型商业银行的优势能否得以充分发挥,主要取决于以下三方面因素:(1)是否将目标客户群准确地定位在以“软”信息为主要特征的中小企业范围内;(2)客户经理素质是否较大银行高并且整齐;(3)是否能够将对CEO与客户经理的长期股权激励和短期薪酬激励很好的有机结合起来。我国小型商业银行要从根本上解决生存和发展问题,必须实施产权制度的民营化改革,强化银行公司治理,同时从完善社会信用体系、建立存款保险制度和改进银行外部监管三个方面构建良好的金融生态环境。 关键词:小型商业银行;激励机制;产权制度;公司治理结构; Abstract It is still in dispute that small commercial banks are suitable to our country, although the experience of developed countries has demonstrated their importance in financial services. Drawing lessons from the experience of developed countries and using the theories of informational economics, incentive, industrial organization and development economics, the thesis has discussed two questions about the small commercial banks in China. First, are small commercial banks necessary to our country? Second, how can they survive and develop? Then, the thesis provides policy advices for the system reform of small commercial banks in China. It is discovered that small banks do better works than large banks in generating “soft” information. So, the small banks should play an important role in providing financial services to middle and small size enterprises because the latter have great significance to economic development of China. Whether the advantage of small commercial banks can be fully shown depends on the three factors: (1) they aim at the middle and small size enterprises which character of information is “soft” as their clients; (2) the abilities of division managers in small banks are higher and evener than those in large banks; (3) the incentives of long-term stock and short-term salary for CEO and division managers should be well combined together. In order to resolve their problems of survi


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