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本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目 风险态度与企业绩效实证研究 学 院 专 业 财 务 管 理 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 摘 要 本文通过搜集整理国内外学者对风险态度的相关资料,风险态度阐述,剖析了风险态度的内涵。在此基础上,提出假设,并以中国家电行业的上市公司为样本,对其财务数据进行整理,归纳及考察分析态度与企业绩效的关系,最后得出实证分析的结果。 本文的创新点在于,借助阿塔曼模型将不同企业风险态度进行分类,并对不同类型企业进行企业绩效及其均衡性的详细分析。实证研究表明风险规避型的企业其平均绩效比风险中性的企业要好,好于风险偏好的企业绩效,风险偏好的企业其企业绩效稳定性不如选择风险规避型企业,而选择风险中性的企业其企业绩效的稳定性大于风险规避型企业。 关键词:风险态度;企业绩效上;市公司;实证分析 Abstract This article through the collection and collation of domestic and foreign scholars relevant material, risk attitudes of risk and risk attitude is expounded, analyzes the connotation of risk attitude. Based on this, advances the hypotheses to the Chinese electrical appliances industry to the listed companies as sample, its financial data sorting, induction, and attitudes and enterprise performance review and analysis of the relationship, finally draw empirical analysis result. This paper, with the help of innovations in different o tower mann model enterprise risk attitude, and classify for different types of enterprise, enterprise performance and balance the detailed analysis. The empirical research shows that risk aversion type enterprise its average performance is better than risk neutral in the enterprise, the enterprise performance risk preference, risk preference enterprise its enterprise performance stability than choice risk aversion type enterprise of risk neutral, and choose the stability of its enterprise performance enterprise outweigh the risks to circumvent enterprises. Keywords: risk attitude; Enterprise performance; The listed company; The empirical analysis 目 录 引 言 1 1风险态度及企业绩效相关理论概述 2 1.1风险的概念及特征 2 1.1.1风险的概念 2 1.1.2风险的特征 2 1.2风险态度及其性质 3 1.3风险态度的判定 4 1.4企业绩效的概念及评价 6 2风险态度与企业绩效实证分析 8


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