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本科毕业设计 基于JSP的电子邮件系统的设计和实现 作 者: 院 系: 专 业: 年 级: 学 号: 指导教师: 答辩日期: 基于JSP的电子邮件系统的设计和实现 学生: 指导教师:黄 进 内容提要: 网络的迅速发展使得电子邮件已经成为我们必不可少的通信工具,而电子邮件的形式也从原来的纯文本方式变成现在的Html 页面并加载附件的多彩形式。电子邮件的普及性以及其数据的多样性使得它成为人们存储自己重要信息、数据的方式。现代化的移动办公要求我们处理邮件用的客户程序应该可以随时随地的方便使用,而WEB方式的邮件收发系统恰恰满足了这样的需求,这样JSP 结合JavaMail 也就成了邮件收发系统的最佳解决方案。Java 语言一直以其独有的强大的网络能力而著称,JavaMail 的推出无疑再次扩展了Java 的网络能力。然而,虽然Java 提供了Mail 的开发包但要想实现一个邮件系统还要熟悉电子邮件的格式结构,另外在开发中文邮件系统时还要了解Mail 的编码问题以及Java 中的字符集转换问题。本篇文章将介绍如何用JavaMail 结合JSP 建立一个WEB 方式的邮件收发系统(下面简称WEBMAIL),并重点讨论MIME 协议规范以及邮件系统所涉及的数据编码的问题。 关键词: JAVAMAIL JSP J2EE TOMCAT The design and the realization of the Online Mail System Based On JSP Abstract:The quick development of the network makes E-mail has already become the correspondence tool of our essential to have, but E-mail of Form also from the originally pure text originally the way becomes the page of Html of now and adds colorful form of carry the enclosure. E-mail Of diverse sex of universality and its data make it become the people's saving oneself the way of the important information, data. Modern The ambulation turn transacts to request we handles the mail to use of customer's procedure should be able to convenient usage at any time and anywhere, but WEB The mail of the way received and dispatch the system to satisfy such need exactly, thus the JSP combines the JavaMail to also became the mail to accept Deliver the best solution of the system. The language of Java has been calling with what it possess singly strong network ability, the JavaMail releases to expand doubtless and again Java network ability. However, although the Java provides the Mail development to wrap to want to carry out a mail system Still need to acquaint with the format structure of the E-mail, still need to understand the Mail


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