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22 2008 2 23 1 M ed J Q il u, February 2008, V ol. 23, N o . 1 , , , ( , 266003) [ ] 2003~ 2005 129 200 3~ 2005 ; ( 63 . 6% ) , ( 3 1. 8% ) ( 5 . 4 % ) ; , ; 24 . 8% 10. 9% 17. 0 % 3. 1% 7 . 8% , 17 . 8% , 5. 4 % , 7. 8% , , ; , [ ] ; ; , ; [ ] R587. 2 [ ] A [ ] 100 80341( 200 8) 0100220 3 COMMON PATHOGENS IN DIABETIC FOOT ULCER : THEIR DISTRIBUTION AND DRUG RESISTANCE H E H ON G , H A N CH UNH UA , L I U PE N GP EN G , et al ( Departm ent o Clinical Lab orat ory , T he A iliat ed H ospit al o Q in gdao U niver sit y M edical College, Q ingdao 266003, China) [ ABSTRA CT] Obj ect ive T o invest igat e t he di st ribut ion and dru g resi st ance o pat hogens isolat ed rom diab et ic oot ul cer . M et hods A ret rospecti ve st udy w as carri ed out on t he dis t ribut ion and res ist an ce rat es in 129 st rain pat hogen s, rom 2003 t o 2005, isolat ed rom diabeti c oot ul cer . Result s T he in ect ions w ere in creasin g du ring 2003- 2005, o t he 129 s trains , 63. 6% w ere Gramn egat ive bact eria, 31. 8% w ere Gramposit ive, and 5. 4% w ere can dida in ect ion. Candida alb icans w as t he comm on pat hogen. Ot her pat hogen s inclu ded Escheri oh ia coil ( 24. 8% ) , Prot eus spp ( 10. 9% ) , P seudom onas aeruginosa ( 17. 0% ) , S t enot rophomonas malt ophilia ( 3. 1% ) , Ent erob act er spp ( 7. 8%) , St aphylococcus aureu s ( 17. 8% ) , Coagulasenegat ive st aph y l ococci ( 5. 4% ) , and Ent erococcus sp p ( 7. 8% ) . Imipenem and Ce operazonesulbact am w ere h ighly act ive agains t E nt erobact eri aceae . V ancomy cinres ist ant st aphylococci w ere not ou nd. Concl usi on T he most comm on pat h ogens cau sing t he in ect ion


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