人力资源管理专业英语 教学课件 作者 詹婧 等 Chapter 7 Compensation Administration.ppt

人力资源管理专业英语 教学课件 作者 詹婧 等 Chapter 7 Compensation Administration.ppt

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7.4 Compensation Design 4.Pay structure 薪酬结构 Once job valuations and pay survey data are gathered, pay structures can be developed with considering pay strategies and financial situation. ①Pay strategies As mentioned earlier, there are three compensation strategies for organization to choose: “Meet the Market” Strategy,“ Lag the Market” Strategy and “Lead the Market” Strategy. ②Pay grades A pay grade is the grouping of similar jobs to simplify pricing jobs. 7.4 Compensation Design ③Pay Ranges The pay range for each pay grade also must be established. ④Broadbanding Broadbanding is a technique that collapses many pay grades into a few wide bands to improve organizational effectiveness. 7.4 Compensation Design 5.Performance pay 绩效工资 Performance pay is in accordance with the results of the assessment, a pre - set target value of proportional distribution. Meanwhile, some non - mandatory welfare, training, spiritual reward, promotions are also closely linked with the performance assessment. Performance salary can effectively measure employees’ work, and link the individual return and contribution to the firm together, which is so effective to motivate employees do more and do better. THANK YOU! 本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 专业交流 模板超市 设计服务 NordriDesign中国专业PowerPoint媒体设计与开发 本作品的提供是以适用知识共享组织的公共许可( 简称“CCPL” 或 “许可”) 条款为前提的。本作品受著作权法以及其他相关法律的保护。对本作品的使用不得超越本许可授权的范围。 如您行使本许可授予的使用本作品的权利,就表明您接受并同意遵守本许可的条款。在您接受这些条款和规定的前提下,许可人授予您本许可所包括的权利。 查看全部… Professional English for Human Resource Management Chapter 7 Compensation Administration 人力资源管理专业英语 第七章 薪酬管理 Contents目录 Key Words 【重点词汇】 7.1 Sketch of Compensation Administration 薪酬管理概述 7.2 Compensation Determinants 薪酬影响因素 7.3 Compensation Design Principles 薪酬设计原则 7.4 Compensation Design 薪酬设计 Key Words Direct Financial Compensation 直接经济性薪酬 Indirect Financial Compensation 非直接经济性薪酬 Nonfinancial Compensation 非经济性薪酬 The Labor Market 人才市场因素 Economic Conditions 经济情况因素 Cost of Living 生活水平因



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