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学号: 食品安全与人类健康 专 业 名 称: 化 学 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 年 月 日 目录 摘 要 2 1 前言 4 2 食品安全问题在我国频频发生 5 2.1 “三鹿奶粉”事件 5 2.1.1 综述 5 2.1.2 原因 5 2.1.3 反思和教训 5 2.2 “地沟油”事件 6 2.2.1 背景 6 2.2.2 综合分析 6 2.3 “苏丹红”事件 7 3 不合理的膳食搭配严重威胁人体健康 7 4 食品安全与人类健康的发展趋势 8 5 谢辞 8 6 参考文献 9 摘 要 在当今社会中食品安全问题屡屡发生,已经成为各个媒体和个人讨论的热门话题,食品问题关系到人类生存安全。维护人类健康是现代科学文明发展的必然趋势,在类似“三鹿奶粉”,“增白剂”,“吊白块”,“苏丹红”,“滑石粉”“地沟油”等事件后,让人们对食品产生了恐惧。有面不敢吃,有米不敢食,有奶不敢喝,有油不敢用的现象无时无刻不发生在每一个家庭中。因此,食品安全部门应该把确保食品安全问题落到实处、安全监管,严格按照生产标准进行生产。但即使按照生产标准生产出来的产品,不合理的搭配膳食同样会带来安全隐患,日益增多的富贵病,日益肥胖的人群,免疫力日益下降的我们,日益增多的高血压、高血脂、心脏病、糖尿病。所以,不仅生产厂家对良心要负责外我们也要掌握科学合理的饮食方法。 关键词:食品安全 人类生存 人类健康 恐惧 安全监管 合理搭配膳食 富贵病 饮食方法 Abstract In todays society food safety problems occur repeatedly, has become all the media and individual discussion of hot topic, the food is related to human survival safety. Maintain the health of human beings is the modern science and civilization development inevitable trend, In similar SanLu milk powder, brightening agent, DiaoBaiKuai, Sudan red, talcum powder trench oil and so on the incident, let people to food produced fear.A plane cant eat, have meters cant feed, have milk cant drink, have oil cant use the phenomenon occurred in every family. Therefore, the food safety department should ensure that food safety problems on feet, in strict accordance with the production standard for production. But even if according to production standard produced products, not reasonable collocation diet will also bring safe hidden trouble, increasing affluenza, increasingly obese immunity declining us, growing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes. So, not only producers to conscience will be responsible for external we also to master scientific and reasonable diet. Keywords: food security Human security human health dread Safety supervision Raesonable collocation dietary rich man’s Diet method 1 前言 人们一日三餐都离不开食物,食物对于人体具有三种功能:一是愉悦功能,也就是满足我们的嗅觉和味觉器官对于香气和美



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