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2008 2 8 2 Chin J M in Inv Surg, February 2008, Vo.l 8. No. 2 # 169# # # 关节镜辅助治疗腘窝囊肿 黄 河 王黎明 桂鉴超 宋华荣 (, 210006) = 腘窝囊肿的方法及临床疗效 2004 6 ~ 2006 1 14 腘窝囊肿, 先行腘窝囊肿切除并翻腓肠肌内侧头肌腱( 关节面)腱瓣加强 合修复囊肿疝口, 然后在膝关节镜下进行 Rauschn ing Lindgren 14 , 6, 1, 2, 4, 114 5~ 18, 11, 14腘窝囊肿无一例复发根据Rauschning和 L indgren腘窝囊肿分级法, 术前Ò级 8例, Ó 6; 09, Ñ4, Ò 1, (Z = - 4. 498, P = 0. 000) 腘窝囊肿多继发于关 , , 腘窝囊肿疗效满意 = ; 腘窝囊肿; 关节内紊乱; 关节镜 : R684 : A : 1009- 6604( 2008) 02- 0169- 0 Arthroscopy-assisted Treatm ent for Poplitea l Cyst H uang H e, Wang L mi ing, Gui Jianchao, et al. D ep artment of Orthop edic Surgery, Nanj ing irstHosp ita,l Nanjing 210006, China = Abstract Objective To discuss the techniques and efficacy of arthroscopy-assisted treatm ent for pop liteal cyst. M ethods From June 2004 to January 2006, 14 patientsw ith popliteal cystw ere d iagnosed and treatedw ith arthroscopy. During the operation, the pop liteal cyst w as removed, and then the hern ial open ing was repaired by suturing the m edial head of the gastrocnem ius tendon. The outcom es of the operation w ere evaluated by us ing Rauschn ing and L indgren G rading. Results Arthroscopic exam inations show ed evident pathological changes in the knee joints of the 14 patients, including 6 cases of posterior horn m edialm eniscus tear, 1 case of chondromalacia of patella, 2 patellofem oral m alalignm ent, 4 osteoarthritis, and 1 discoid lateral m en iscal tear. The patien ts w ere follow ed up for 5- 18 months (m ean 11m on ths) . Accord ing to the Rauschn ing and L indgren G rad ing, 8 patientsw ere grade Ò and 6 w ere grade Ó before the operation. After the operation, 9 patients were grade 0, 4 w ere grade Ñ, and 1w as grade Ò. Therew



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