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30 11 Vol. 30 No. 11 2007 11 CHINESE JOURNA L OF COMPU TERS Nov. 2007 田立勤 林 闯 ( 1000 4) , , . , , , , , . , , , , , , . . , . ; ; ; TP393 A Kind of Game-Theoretic Control Mechanism of User Behavior Trust Based on Prediction in Trustworthy Network T IAN L-i Qin LIN Chuang ( D ep art ment of Comp ut er S ci ence and T echnol og y , T s i ngh ua Univ er si ty , B eij i ng 1000 4) Abstract In recent years, the trustw orthy netw ork research has become a research focus. U ser trust study is one important branch of trustw orthy netw ork research field, and it includes not on- ly user identity trust but also user behaviour trust. The traditional authorization and authentica- tion security mechanism mainly solve user identity trust, it canct deal w ith user behaviour trust. User behaviour trust strengthens the dynamic state processing of the user, providing the strategy foundation for implementation of intelligent adaptive netw ork security. Because the behaviour trust is based on the evidence of past transaction, but w hat w e need is the future user behaviour trust, therefore scientifically predicting user future behaviour trust is very necessary . T his paper first discusses a mechanism that how to use Bayesian netw ork to forecast user behaviour trust. The mechanism not only can predict behaviour trust grade under the single trust attribute condi- tions, but also can predict trust grade under the mult-i trust-attribute conditions.


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