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亚伯翰·林肯 于1809年2月12日出生在一个贫穷家庭。 简单句: Abraham Lincoln was born in a poor family on February 12,1809. Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born on February 12,1809.(同位语) 并列句: Abraham Lincoln was born in a poor family and born on February 12,1809. 主从句(定语从句): Abraham Lincoln, who was born on February 12,1809, was the son of a poor family. Abraham Lincoln, who was the son of a poor family, was born on February 12,1809. 出生在贫苦家庭的狄更斯只受到很少教育 主从句: 定语从句: Charles Dickens, who was born in a poor family, had little schooling. 非谓语: 1)过去分词充当定语,修饰前面名词 Charles Dickens, born in a poor family, had little schooling. 2)过去分词充当状语,表原因 Born in a poor family, Charles Dickens had little schooling. 著名歌手周杰伦(Jay Chou)1979年1月18日出生于台湾,由母亲抚养长大,小时候害羞,内向。 因为对音乐的兴趣,,他三岁开始学习弹钢琴。 在2000年发行第一张专辑的时候就引起了世界的关注。 欢迎度飙升(sky-rocketed ),得了很多奖。 他独特的(unique)中国式的RB 风格是其他人无法可及的.(is unparalleled by ) 他在冒险尝试创新时寻求突破(breakthrough)。 * * * 出生日、出生地 家庭背景 教育 个人事迹 评价 ... was born in ... on .... 出生地 出生年月日 She was born in Poland on Nov.7,1867. 出生地 出生年月日 2. Family background 描述家庭情况: …was born in/into a poor/ rich family his/her family was so poor that… … was the son of a poor family 描述小时候成长历程: when he was a small boy/ young, as a child/ as a boy of 15,at the age of 15, during his/ her childhood, … spend his childhood in… 描述生活: live a happy/ hard life with the help of… his father was strict with him… 3. Education background ?????? be admitted to …college被…大学所录取 graduate from…department(院系)of …university毕业… when at college, he majored in…大学主修 receive a doctor’s degree/a PhD degree获得博士学位 be awarded …(奖项) 被嘉奖… go abroad for further studies出国深造 have little schooling (education)受过很少教育 4. Big events in one’s life 1)be interested in… /be fond of…在…感兴趣/喜爱 2)work hard at…在…工作努力 3)serve as…作为… 4)devote his lifetime/oneself to…将一生投入到… 5)concentrate oneself on…集中某人注意力做… 6)do research about/ into…做关于…的研究 7)mak


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