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Part 2 Imitate a scene A scene about how a doctor diagnoses disease The teacher will be the doctor, and a student is needed to be the patient Anyone volunteers? Part 3 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013 How cargo(物质) is transported(运输) in the cell In a large and busy port(港口), systems are required to ensure that the correct cargo is shipped to the correct destination at the right time. The cell, with its different compartments called organelles(细胞器), faces a similar problem: cells produce molecules such as hormones(激素), neurotransmitters(神经传导物质), cytokines (细胞因子)and enzymes(酶) that have to be delivered to other places inside the cell, or exported out of the cell, at exactly the right moment. Timing and location are everything. Miniature(微型的) bubble-like(气泡状)vesicles(囊泡), surrounded by membranes, shuttle(往返) the cargo between organelles or fuse with the outer membrane of the cell and release their cargo to the outside. This is of major importance, as it triggers(诱导)nerve activation in the case of transmitter substances, or controls metabolism(代谢)in the case of hormones. How do these vesicles know where and when to deliver their cargo? 新英格兰医学杂志(New England Journal Of Medicine)) End! The Family in Health and Disease P229-260 杜亚平 2014年3月24日 Contents Introduction What Is a Family? Recent Changes in the Structure and Function of the Family What It Means to “Think Family” The Influence of the Family on Health and Disease The Family Life Cycle Developmental tasks The Traumas of Family Life How Family Doctors Work with Families Precepts of Family Care Discussions Introduction The importance of the family to family physicians is inherent in the paradigm of family medicine. Family medicine does not separate disease from person or person from environment. It recognizes the strong connection between health and disease, and personality, way of life, physical environment, and human relationships. It understands the strong influence that human re


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