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第 30 卷 第 06 期 乐山师范学院学报 Vol.30,No.06 2015 年 06 月 Journal of Leshan Normal University Jun.2015 “来 苏 ” 与 苏 轼 李芳林, 符永利 (西华师范大学 历史文化学院,四川 南充 637009 ) 摘 要 :全国地名中,有很多以“来苏”命名的。关于来苏的意义,自古以来说法不一。直至今日,很多以“来苏”命名的地 方,多冠以苏轼游历过而得名 。其实,这种解释过于牵强附会。在考证全国范围内,“来苏”地名的不同解释的基础上,考证苏 轼平生游历各地的记载 ,最后得出来苏的本意是寄托人们一种美好的祝愿和企盼,后来才有“苏轼游历于此”的解释。 但这 种解释不仅仅是一种附会 ,更多的是表达一种对苏氏兄弟的敬仰与爱戴。 关键词 :来苏;苏轼;地名寓意;美好企盼 中图分类号:I206 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-8666(2015 )06-0006-05 “Laisu” and Su Shi LI Fanglin , FU Yongli (School of History and Culture ,China West Normal University ,Nanchong Sichuan 637009 ,China) Abstract :There are a lot of places in the name of “Laisu” in the country. As for the meaning of “Laisu”,it has changed since time immemorial. Today a large number of places named after “Laisu” have been popular because they were forced artificially with the same title the places where Su Shi had ever traveled. In fact ,this interpretation is too far -fetched. After the investigation on all the interpretation of “Laisu” and the record of all the places that Su Shi had ever traveled in person during his whole life ,this paper concludes that the original idea of “Laisu” is designed to express people ’s good wishes and expectations. Later ,it extends to the misinterpretation that the places where Su Shi had ever toured. It shows the respect and admiration for Su brothers though this is far-fetched to some extent. Key Words :LaiSu ;Su Shi ;the Implied Meaning of Place Name ;Good Wishes and Expectations 就全国范围而言 ,有多处地方被称为“来苏”, 调查的基础上,从考证“来苏”与苏轼的关系出发,


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