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32 3 ( ) Vol. 32 No. 3 2010 5 JOURNAL OF NANJING UNIVERS ITY OF TECHNOLOGY ( Natural Sci nc Ed ition) M ay 20 10 do:i 10. 3969/ .j issn. 167 1- 7627. 2010. 03. 021 顾正彬, 季根华, 卢明辉 (南京大学 材料科学与工程系 固体微结构物理国家重点 验室, 江苏 南京 210093) : 石墨烯被喻为材料科学与凝聚态物理领域正在升起的 新星!, 它所具有的许多新 而独特的性质与潜在 的应用正吸引了诸多科技工作者. 介绍了近年石墨烯在制备性能等方面的一些研究情况, 就其应用前景也作了简 要介绍. : 碳; 石墨烯; 器件 : O61162 : A : 1671- 7627( 2010) 03- 0105- 06 Research progress of 2D carbonmaterial: graphene GU Zh ngbin, JI G nhua, LU M ingH ui ( National Laboratory of Solid S tat M icrostructur s, D partm nt ofM at rials Sci nc and Engin ring, Nanjing Un iv rsity, Nanjing 210093, China) Abstract:Th graph n w as consid r d as a rising star! in th fi ld ofm at rials sci nc and cond ns d matt r physics. It had attract d an int nsiv att ntion b caus of its un iqu prop rti s and pot ntial t ch n ical app lications. Th pr paration m thods of th graph n and its prop rti sw r summariz d. Th ap p lications of th graph n w r introduc d. Keywords: carbon; graph n ; d vic s ( C) . () . , , Graph n , [ 4 ] ; , ( Basic Bu ild ing Block), 1 . , , , ( (), 10) Graph n . , / [ 5- 8] , 2 000 ∀ , ,


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