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企业并购的经济后果 ——基于招行并购永隆的案例分析 学生姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 专 业: 财务管理(会计学) 学 部: 公共管理学部 指导教师: 2011年06月 企业并购的经济后果 ——基于招商银行并购永隆银行的案例分析 Economic Consequences of the Merger—Case Analysis for Wing Lung Bank and China Merchants Bank Mergers and Acquisitions 学生: 班级: 学号: 学部: 公共管理学部 专业: 财务管理(会计学) 指导教师: 职称: 副教授 工作单位: 北京城市学院 毕业论文完成时间: 自 2010 年 11 月 至 2011 年 05 月 摘 要 目前在经济一体化、金融全球化的大背景下,国内银行为了寻求在国际上的生存之道,增强自身的国际过经营能力,追求更高的利润来源,纷纷走上了海外并购的道路。并购可以让国内银行尽快进入世界市场,有助于拓展新的业务,并且节约有效的时间成本,实现最大的经济利益。本文以招商银行并购永隆银行为例,主要从财务方面的盈利能力、运营能力、成长能力、协同效应四个方面分析招商银行并购后的经济后果,可以看出2008年至2010年中期,招商银行通过这次并购盈利能力逐年稳步提升,运营能力保持稳健、竞争实力有增无减,双方的实现的协同效应明显;并且成功的扩展香港市场、学习先进管理技术、提高业务水平,为海外发展打下了夯实的基础。 关键词:并购;经济后果;招商银行;永隆银行 Abstract Currently, financial globalization in the context of economic integration, domestic banks to seek international way of life, increase its capacity of international management, the pursuit of higher profits, have embarked on the path of overseas mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions can make domestic banks as soon as possible into the world market, help to develop new business and cost effective time-saving, realize maximum economic benefits. This article to investment bank mergers and acquisitions Wing Lung Bank for cases, main from financial aspects of profit ability, and operations ability, and growth ability, and collaborative effect four aspects analysis investment bank mergers and acquisitions economic consequences, we can see from 2008 to 2010 medium-term, investment bank by this mergers and acquisitions profit ability every year steadily upgrade, operations ability keep sound, and competition strength increase, both of implementation of collaborative effect obvious; and success of extended Hong Kong market, and learning advanced management technology, and improve business


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