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IDEF0 设计基本原则 除最上层 A-0 图外, 所有图面至少要有三项作业, 但不得多于六项. 每一作业至少有一个控件与一个输出项信息, 但任一面信息不得多于六项. 模型中每一图面必须符合模型所定义的范畴, 目的与视域. 参考: FIPS-183/184, NIST, Dec. 21, 1993 * * * * * * * * * * * ICOMs Input: An item that enters the function and is changed through the action of the function. An object or data needed to perform a function. Output: An object or data produced as a result of the function. Control: An item which triggers the activation of the function. An item that governs the function. It often conveys why the function is performed and what constraints are present. All functions must have at least one control. Therefore, when modelers are not sure if they are dealing with an input or a control, they should make it a control. Mechanism: An item which shows how the function is performed. A person or device that performs the function. Provides the means by which a function is performed. General Note: All ICOMs are labeled with a noun or noun phrase. * * * Numbering Scheme A-0 is always the diagram number for the top level activity, A0. The subsequent decomposition of this activity carries the diagram number, A0. The functions on the A0 diagram are numbered A1-A6. Likewise, their respective decompositions are numbered A1-A6. Further decompositions carry the A# from the parent activity being decomposed and are numbered from 1-6. * * * * * 企业流程分析 企业竞争环境 客户满意度 产品生命周期 产品集积度 资本密集 配销通路 产品质量 研发到量产时间 产品多样性 达交率 库存周转率 策略性再造工程 Strategic Reengineering 确认成功关鉴要素 (CSF) 产业竞争分析 (SWOT) 分析与设计企业流程 (BP) 组织 架构 人力 策略 信息 科技 拟定竞争策略 (Strategy) 企业流程:以订单交期确认为例 Real-time Quotation Customer Order Order Entry Order Check . product status . price . terms . credit . sales plan Order Confirm ATP Check 企业流程 : 订单交期确认 销售预测 生产计划 产能分配 产能规划 业务 部门 预测承诺 接单 配额与交期 计算 交期确认 信息系统与企业数据库 配额/交期计算 (ATP/DDQ) 制造执行系统 (MES) 销售系统 物料需求规划 生产计划 运筹规划 (SCP) 运筹系统 制造系统 销售预测 (Forecast) 接单 (Order Entry) 企业数据库 传统的二层式主从架构 销售系统 运筹系统 制造系统 数据库系统 数据库设计的三层式体系结构 销售系统 运筹系统 制造系统 数据模式 数据库系统 正向工程 反向工程 产生使用界面规格 企业流程分析与三层式体系结构 销售系统 运筹系统 制造


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