Karraker strongvstrong. Rent-a-Center Testing the Limits of the ADA,.pdf

Karraker strongvstrong. Rent-a-Center Testing the Limits of the ADA,.pdf

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Loyola University Chicago Law Journal Volume 37 Article 6 Issue 4 Summer 2006 2006 Karraker v. Rent-a-Center: Testing the Limits of the ADA , Personality Tests, and Employer Preemployment Screening Maureen E. Mulvihill Loyola University C hicago, Sc hool of Law Follow this and additional works at : /luclj Part of the Disability Law Commons Recommended Citation Maureen E. Mulvihill, Karraker v. Rent-a-Center: Testing t he Limits of the ADA, P ersonality Tests, and Emp loyer Preemp loyment Screening, 37 Loy. U. Chi. L. J. 865 (2006). Available at : /luclj/vol37/iss4/6 This Note is brought to you for free and open access by LAW eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Loyola University Chicago Law Journal by an authorized administrator of LAW eCommons. For more information, please contact law-library@. Note Karrakerv. Rent-A-Center: Testing the Limits of the ADA, Personality Tests, and Employer Preemployment Screening Maureen E. Mulvihill* I. INTRODUCTION True, Falseor CannotSay: I see things or animals orpeople aroundme that others do not see. I commonly hear voices without knowing where they are comingfrom. At times I havefits of laughingor crying thatI cannot control. My soul sometimes leaves my body. At one time or more in my life Ifelt that someone was making me do things by hypnotizing me. I have a habit of counting thinpls that are not importantsuch as bulbs on electricsigns, andsoforth. These are some questions taken from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), one of the most widely used psychological




