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公共建設資金融通之必要,得洽請金融機構或特種基金提供民間機構中長期貸款。 Financing is critical to infrastructure projects. Government shall encourage financial institutes to provide long-term financing to private parties. 民間機構得公開發行新股 得發行指定用途之公司債 Private parties shall finance the project through equity or debt issuance. 參與公共建設支出5%~20%可抵減稅 地價稅、房屋稅、契稅得予適當減免 Provide deduction, including expenses, land tax, real estate tax, as incentive. 參與案由甄審委員會擇優選之 Reviewed and approved by independent committee 本法核准民間機構興建、營運之公共建設,不適用政府採購法之規定。 PPP projects shall not be subject to the government procurement laws 如有施工進度嚴重落後、工程品質重大違失、經營不善或其他重大情事發生,損害重大公共利益或造成緊急危難之虞時,得停止興建或強制接管。 Cause for cease of construction or government intervention Serious delay in construction Major quality false Operation difficulties Major events that will damage public interest 四、結論 Conclusions 大城市地鐵建設逐漸完成,二線城是軌道建設基於客運量考量,逐漸採用輕軌。 Metro transit systems complete in major cities. Secondary cities will adopt light rail systems for smaller demands. 基於地方政府財政因素,如何鼓勵民間資金參與建設及運營將是未來之趨勢,融資政策及管理相關法規應落實。 In response to government fiscal strains, private participation in construction and operation will be required in the future. 在眾多輕軌中,建設及運營成本低、佔用路幅、噪音振動、轉彎半徑、爬坡能力、工期長短等將是系統勝出之決定因素。 Major considerations on light rail systems Costs for construction and operation Land required Vibration and noise Minimum radius of curvature Slope gradient Construction time * * * 台灣軌道產業投融資政策及管理 Investment and Financing Policies in Taiwan’s Railway Projects 一、前言 台灣軌道運輸發達,串起全台與都市內交通路網,並已深入旅客生活品質中,影響城市前景發展。 The well-developed railway systems in Taiwan have penetrated the entire island and connected to urban transport networks. As a major part of people’s daily life, the railway services are critical to urban development in Taiwan. 1.1軌道運輸深入民眾生活 Railway service is a part of people’s daily life. 1.2台灣軌道運輸旅客能量 Taiwan’s railway service capacities 軌道運輸平均日運量2,774,461人次 V.S 汽車客運量3,281,516人次 Average daily 2,774,461 passengers on railway transport, vs. 3,281,516 passengers for automobile


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