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An overview of the Sterling Clearing Settlement systems within the United Kingdom GBP Clearing Settlement Systems Overview of the Sterling Environment Sterling Trade Associations APACS Sterling Clearing Systems - Electronic CHAPS (High-value Wire) Overview, Members, Collateral and Workflow BPSL (ACH) Overview, Members, Workflow and Clearing Cycle Sterling Clearing Systems - Paper CCCCL (Paper Clearing) Overview, Members and Clearing Cycle HSBC’s Paper Clearing Solutions (Issuance and Collection) Sterling Environment Sterling Trade Associations APACS APACS is the Association of Payment Clearings Services in the UK APACS has 31 members and 32 Affiliate members APACS runs a number of Interest Groups including: Card Payments Group Cash Services Group Electronic Commerce Group Liquidity Managers Group APACS is focused on: Delivering the strategy for the UK Payments Industry Managing External Communication Ensuring the integrity of the Payments systems is maintained Facilitating change management Developing and promoting standards and interoperability Sterling Clearing Systems There are three predominant clearing schemes in the UK Wire CHAPS ACH BPSL (BACS Payments Schemes Ltd) Paper CCCCL (Cheque and Credit Clearing Ltd) Sterling Clearing Systems CHAPS – An Overview The Clearing House Automated Payments System (CHAPS) is the UK’s Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system in the UK CHAPS processes both Sterling and Euro The standard message formats are SWIFTFIN MT103, MT103+ and MT202 CHAPS has 21 direct members (13 for GBP) and over 400 indirect members Volumes and Value in 2004: CHAPS Sterling - ave daily volume of 118,000 transactions with an ave daily value of £200 bn CHAPS Euro - ave daily volume of 17, 000 transactions with an ave daily value of €130 bn Sterling Clearing Systems CHAPS – Sterling Clearing Members HSBC ABN AMRO BANK OF ENGLAND BANK OF SCOTLAND (HBOS) BARCLAYS BANK CITIBANK CLYDESDALE BANK THE CO-OPERATIVE BANK DEUTSCHE BANK LLOYDS TSB BANK NATIONA


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