商务英语阅读Unit 6-叶兴国.ppt

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UNIT 6 2014.11 Business English: A Reading Course BACKGROUND INFORMATION 管理是科学又是艺术。 其艺术表现在:成功的管理者对不同的管理对象和管理场景,会演绎出不同特色的“话剧”。 领导艺术:是领导的方式方法上表现出的创造性、艺术性。 成功的管理者,注意以下几方面: 1、提高自身修养,宽容、善待下属,构建和谐美好的工作氛围; 2、懂得知人善任; 3、必须善于领导; 4、永远充满激情,并学会自我舒缓压力; 5、不断地给员工激励而非命令。 WARM-UP QUESTIONS 1. As we know it is great for one to have a dream and a great idea, but it is greater to harness many people’s ideas. How can managers get ideas from many people to make better decisions in this information age? 2. Why can we learn powerful lessons from powerful people who are even considered bad bosses? Business English: A Reading Course READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING Basic reading skills: 1) Skimming 略读: 2) Skipping 跳读: skimming_and_scanning.doc 3) Guessing the new words 猜测生词: Business English: A Reading Course READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING Questions: 1. What is word formation? 2. What are the word formations we often use? Unit 5: Affixation; Compounding; Unit 6: Conversion; Blending; Shortening; Unit 7: Onomatopoeia; Back formation; Formation of nonce words; Loan word; Coinage Business English: A Reading Course READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING 1. Affixation:前缀法 Prefixation: 加前缀 Suffixation: 加后缀 2. Compounding: 合成法 Compound Nouns: 复合名词 Compound Adjectives: 复合形容词 Compound Verbs: 复合动词 Compound Adverbs: 复合副词 Compound Pronouns: 复合代词 Business English: A Reading Course UNIT 5 READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING 3. Conversion: 转化法/ Zero derivation零位派生 e.g. doctor 医生n. → to doctor伪造v. 4. Blending: 混合法/拼缀法 1)前词首部+后词尾部: telecast=television + broadcast 电视广播 2)前词全部+后词尾部: workaholic=work + alcoholic 工作狂 3)前词首部+后词全部: heliport=helicopter + port首都机场 4)前词首部+后词首部: interpol=international + police国际警察 5. Shortening: 缩略法 1) c


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