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Occupation Bank clerk Salesman Farm-hand Teacher Sailor Customs inspector Novelist Poet American’s Shakespeare Life Story Of Melville ?His childhood was happy to the age of eleven when his father died in debt The married life of Melville was more like that of Scott Fitzgerald than Mark Twain’s For a period of some eight years after his return from sea, he was at his most prolific For the last twenty years of his life Melville worked in the Custom House in New York, going off in the morning and coming home later in the day. Sea Experiences He was a Whaler, about the lowest of sailors. His experiences and adventures on the sea, stood him in rich stead. They furnished him with abundant material for fiction. Marriage(1847) Elizabeth Shaw (daughter of Chief Justice of Boston ) Extravagant lifestyle Writing for money Friendship with Hawthorne Meeting Hawthorne in the summer of 1850 Influenced by his black vision Revising Moby Dick They all represented a position of tragic humanism in their time Melville’s grave Features Earlier Works — drawing upon his sea experiences — black and white Later Works — Reconciliation between man and God — living by the rules of this world Melville’s Major Works Moby Dick(1851) 小说梗概 小说叙述一位名叫埃哈帕的捕鲸船船长率领全体船员和捕鲸水手,追捕一条叫莫比迪克的白鲸,莫比迪克是一条令人心惊胆颤,凶残狡猾的海中怪物,凡是捕鲸的渔民无不闻声丧胆,谈虎色变。埃哈帕的一条腿就是被它吞噬的,因此,他决心捕杀白鲸报仇雪恨。 捕鲸船在大海中日夜搜捕,终于和白鲸相遇,经过三天的追踪,白鲸终于被鱼叉标枪所击中。发狂的白鲸撞翻了渔船,船长被鱼叉标枪上的绳索缠住,一起卷入海中,最后两败俱伤,船沉人亡。只有船员伊什梅尔生还,向我们讲述这个悲壮的故事。 人物分析 Pequod:“皮阔德”号捕鲸船被称为人类世界的缩影,既是一个设备齐全的人类配备充足的生产中心同时也是个小社会。在这个社会中,管理机密,人人各司其职,操作程序有条不紊。 Ahab:埃哈帕船长是根据《旧约全书》 中十分刻毒的同名复仇国王 的原型塑造的。是人类征服自然的代表,有着普通人所没有的坚毅,刚强,近乎神明。但却有自私,刚愎自用,疯狂等阴暗面。是社会的生产中心和至高无上的主宰。 Moby Dick:自然的代表,自然力量的象征。 Ishmael:伊什米尔是一名教师,希望摆脱平庸的生活,投入了大海怀抱。他是小说的叙述者,是唯一的幸存者。 Themes of Moby Dick 1. Search for truth The story deals with the human pursuit of truth and the meaning of existence. 2. Conflict between Good and Evil. 3. Conflict between Man and Nature. 4. Isolation between man and man; man an


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