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Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time. Period 1 Teaching content: Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c Aim: Talk about consequences. Introduce conditional clause with “if” Structure: I think I am going to take the bus to the party. If you do, you will be late. Period 1 Task 1: Guess and link Task 2: listen and check Summary Words and expressions: have a great time: 过的愉快,玩得高兴 e.g. Have you had a great time in the party. I have a great time in the trip. be going to 将,打算 e.g. I am going to do some shopping with my mother. He is going to take part in an English class. sorry 难过的,不安的,懊悔的;抱歉,对不起 e.g. I am sorry to hear your bad news. You will be sorry about this later. If 句型 If意为如果,表示条件,if引导的句子是从句,用现在时态,主句则用将来时态。也就是所谓的“主将从现”。 If you eat less, you will be thinner. If you work hard, you will be successful. If you come to school late, your teacher will be angry with you. Homework Grade A: Write five sentences with if structure. Recite 1a. Grade B: Translate the following sentences into English. Grade C: Copy 1a and translate them. Period 2 Think Is it easy to organize a party? If you are planning a class party now, what will you do? List some important things. Andrea were planning a party. Listen and find out what they are mainly talking about. 1 When will they have the party? A today B tomorrow C Sunday 2 What will happen if they watch a video? A If they do, some students will leave. B If they do, some students will get bored. C If they do, some students will be happy. 3 Who will make the food? A Andrea B Mark C Ann 4 Who will organize the games? A Andrea B Mark C Ann Listen and Link What will happen if they have the party today? What will happen if they have the party tomorrow? What will happen if they watch a video at the party? What is Mark going to organize? What is Andrea going to do? Andrea: Hi, Ma


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