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摘 要 摘 要 迄今为止,我国大部分农村地区尚未完全建立起足以满足广大农村人口养老需求的 农村养老保障制度,也没有适合我国农村实际的、较为成熟完备的农村养老保障体系的 发展框架。随着经济社会的发展和城镇化进程的不断加快,调动全社会可利用的资源, 构建适合我国经济社会发展的农村养老保障体系,对应对农村人口年老的风险,保证农 村老年人口晚年的生活质量,促进社会可持续发展,促进社会的和谐与稳定具有重大意 义。 本文首先梳理了国内外农村养老保障制度的发展,分析了农村养老保障发展情况。 其次在业已形成的农村养老保障发展模式的理论及实践基础上,对我国农村养老保障制 度的发展历史进行回顾与评析,论述农村养老保障制度发展的基础,阐述构建我国农村 养老保障体系的必要性。第三,对我国农村养老保障体系递进式构建的基本原则和具体 框架进行分析,探索适合我国国情的农村养老保障体系的构建。第四,创新性的提出我 国农村养老保障体系递进式发展的战略构想,从实现新型农村社会养老保险全面覆盖, 到有效提高制度的保障水平和运行效率,最后全面建成覆盖城乡的养老保障体系,分三 步实现我国农村养老保障体系的递进式发展。 关键词 农村养老保障体系 构建 递进式发展 I Abstract Abstract So far, nor have most of the rural areas in China yet fully established the old-age security system to meet demands of the vast majority of the rural population, neither they have development framework which is suitable for Chinas rural reality, more mature and to complete the rural old-age security system. With the development of society and economy, and the accelerating process of urbanization, establishing a rural old-age security system in China is of great significance to reduce the rural population aging risk fundamentally, guarantee rural elderly life quality effectively, and to promote social harmony and stability. This paper first reviews the development of domestic and international rural old-age security system,and analysis of the situation of the development of the rural old-age security, then on the theoretical and practical basis in formed the rural old-age security model of development, put forward the meaning— progressive construction of Chinas rural old-age security system. On this basis,


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