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?Nemotoda Cestoda ?Trematoda;Liver Fluke.Vocabulary;Liver Fluke.Vocabulary;Liver Fluke.Vocabulary; Trematodes, Flukes;? Mophology; Adult worms eggs;metagenesis;?More than 30 species of flukes parasitic in human body, all belong to Phylum Platyminthes (扁形动物门) Class Trematoda(吸虫纲) Order Digenea (复殖目);?Flukes endemic in china;华支睾吸虫(Clonorchis sinensis); Morphology Life cycle Pathogenesis Diagnosis Prevalence Prophylaxis;Liver fluke?Morphology;1.Adult worm;Sesame like, broadly ovoid;2.egg;蠕虫卵中我最小, 形似芝麻棕黄色。 上有盖来下有疣, 肩峰明显内毛蚴。;;Liver fluke?morphology?other stages ;rediae;Cercariae;Liver fluke?morphology?other stages ;Liver fluke ?life cycle ;Liver fluke ?life cycle ;尾蚴;1.host ;1.host ; (3) Definitive host — human,cat,dog, pig, rat, et al. ;1.Host 2.Infection stage and method ;1.Host 2.Infection stage and method 3.Excrete way in human body ;1.Host 2.Infection stage and method 3.Excrete way in human body 4.Parasiting position ;1. host 2.infection stage and method 3.passing way in human body 4.parasitized position 5.leaving body stage and method;Pathogenetic stage Pathogenetic mechenism Symptomology;Immature adult worm Mature adult worm Eggs;?metablites and mechanical effects causes proliferative and inflammatory reactions in the biliary epithelium of the bile ducts.;②chronic infection, hepatic cells near the bile passages become denaturalized and putrescent (坏死),causing hepatic tissue atrophy(萎缩) apparently.;Other diseases caused Cholecystitis(胆囊炎),cholangitis( 胆管炎),hepatitis (肝炎); cholelithiasis (胆石症) pancreatic inflammatory (胰腺炎) cholangiocarcinoma (胆管上皮癌) hepatitic cancer 肝癌; hypogenesis(发育不良);头痛乏力,消化不良; 腹痛腹泻,上腹不适; 肝区隐痛,常不明显。;?with a symptom of tumefaction in the liver and spleen;1.diagnosis of pathogeny ;2.immunodiagnosis(for screening patients primarily, and assistance of diagnosis);1.distribution;1.ditribution;1997年广东省不同鱼种肝吸


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