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There is very little info on ZetaTalk about Israel. We live in a mountain-top small town Safed in the north of Israel, 3,000 feet altitude, 23 miles from the Mediterranean coast. (Israel is one long narrow strip, so we can only get so far inland). I am assuming we are safe from the sloshing of the Mediterranean to the west, but I am very concerned about earthquakes. Israel sits on active seismic zone, and our town in particular is placed just West of the Syrian-African fault line, a major one that just happens to have been relatively dormant in recent times. The last big earthquake to hit Israel was in 1837 had its epicenter not far from Safed, and it devastated our town leaving thousands dead. Our town today is multi-leveled because of tectonic destruction. The most recent earthquake was in January 2011 measuring 4.0 on the Richter scale, so things seem to be waking up in this region. I am wondering if the Zetas could please give us advice on the safest areas in Israel, to ride out the poleshift and also Aftertime. We want to buy a piece of land and start up a small farm, but we are not sure where. Just outside of our town, to maintain altitude and distance from the Mediterranean? Or are there better locations that do not have such a high earthquake risk, like maybe the hills south of Jerusalem? Our other alternative is to relocate to New Zealand, but my husband would prefer to stay here. The eastern border of Israel, which lies directly on the Arabian Plate border, will be ripped open when the Arabian Plate rolls its top to the east, as we have predicted will occur at some point. The geography of the region shows that this trauma has occurred in the past, regularly, with the land on the plate border sunken and flooded into a series of lakes. At this time, Israel will be pulled to the southeast. Sinking and flooding can be expected, as well as earthquakes that will seem almost continuous as the pole shift approaches. When the 7 of 10 drops the African Plate, this


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