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北京城市学院2014届毕业论文学生姓名:班 级:专 业:学 部:指导教师:年月 The Beijing residential area parking management research analysis 学生: 班级 学号:学部: 专业: 指导教师: 职称: 工作单位: 毕业论文完成时间: 自 年 月 至 年 月 摘 要 21世纪在人民生活水平的不断提高,汽车制造业的逐渐成熟和公路网的不断完善下使得许多人尝到了拥有私家车的甜头,更多的人拥有了购买私家车和养护私家车的能力。在这一大背景下,私家车数量急剧上升。但是一般已建成的小区的停车位的数量是很难有较大的改变的,这也就造成了物业服务企业在管理小区停车位时会出现很多新的问题。 简单的以北京市为例,根据法制晚报2012年2月份的一次调查,北京市机动车保守估计已经突破500万大关。然而,同年北京市公布备案的停车位连80万都不到。如果机动车和停车位的配比按1:0.7进行计算的话,根据北京市第六次人口普查报告,北京市小区大约可以提供230万左右的停车位。如果按照这个计算的话北京市500万辆机动车大概只有300万个左右的停车位,至少有200万辆车没有停车位供给他们停车。而作为物业服务企业,尽我们最大的可能帮助业主是我们应该做的。作为物业服务企业的我写这篇论文的目的就在于希望可以为物业服务企业在管理停车位上尽自己的微薄之力。这篇论文的目的在于对业主尽最大努力,发挥每一个停车位最大作用,利用有限的空间,开发出更多的停车位。利用所学到的停车位服务管理知识,使更多的业主对我们的工作满意。 关键词:物业管理;停车位管理;业主满意度;业主停车位模型体系;停车位盈利方案 Abstract In the 21st century in the continuous improvement of peoples living standards, the continuous improvement of the auto industry gradually mature and road network under the left many people reap the benefits of having a private cars, more people have buying private cars and curing the ability of private cars. In this context, a sharp rise in the number of private cars. But in general the number of completed residential parking space is hard to have bigger change, this also caused the realty service enterprise in the management of parking Spaces will be a lot of new problems. Simple in Beijing as an example, according to the legal evening news in February 2012, a survey of the Beijing motor vehicle hit the 5 million mark a conservative estimate has. In the same year, however, Beijing announced record even less than 800000 parking Spaces. If the ratio of motor vehicles and parking Spaces by 1:0. 7 to calculate, according to the sixth census report in Beijing, Beijing area can provide about 2.3 million parking Spaces. If calculated according to the Beijing 5 million vehicles probably only about 3 million parking Spaces, at least 2 million car parking supply they stop. As


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