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Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy 不卖也不买New words and expression 生词和短语 Philosopher? n.哲学家 ? Wisdom? n.智慧 (wise? adj.英明的, 明智的, 聪明的) -- He showed great wisdom.? 他展示了非凡的智慧。 -- He is a man of wisdom. = He is a wise man. cut ones wisdom teeth? 开始懂事 ? Priest? n.牧师 ? Spiritual? adj.精神上的(adj.非物质的, 精神的, 灵魂的) -- Spiritual life 精神生活, spiritual need 精神上的需要 spirited? adj.精神饱满的, 生机勃勃的, 勇敢的 -- a spirited girl 一个勇敢的女孩 -- low-spirited 沮丧的, high-spirited 兴奋的 -- public-spirited 热心公益的, a spirited debate 热烈的辩论 mental? adj.心理的, 智力的 physical? adj.身体的, 物质的, 自然的, 物理的 spirituous? adj.酒精的, 含酒精的(liquor n.酒类)? -- spirituous liquor 烈性酒 ? Grudge? v.不愿给, 舍不得给 surgeon ??n.外科大夫 passer-by? n.过路人(复数 passers-by) ? dignity? n.尊严(高贵) lose ones dignity? 丢面子, 失去尊严 -- If you are afraid of losing your dignity, you can’t expect to learn to speak a foreign language. -- Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity. 她虽然很穷, 但没有失去她的尊严。 Keep/stand on ones dignity 保持自已的尊严 pocket ones dignity? [口]放下架子 with great dignity 仪态大方 -- Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity. 太太先生们的举止应该总是十分端庄体面的。 Dignify? vt.使有尊严, 使高贵 Dignified? adj.高贵的,有尊严的 ? deliberately? adv.故意地(深思熟虑的, 考虑周到的) on purpose? adv.故意 -- He coughed on purpose to attract my attention. ? consequence? n.后果, 结果 in consequence? 因此, 结果 in consequence of...? 因为...的缘故, 由于 take the consequences of…? 承担…责任 -- You have to take the consequences of the accidence. Result? 一种特殊的行动、运行或过程的结果 Effect? n.结果, 效果, 作用, 影响 Outcome? n.结果, 成果(自然的结果) -- The outcome of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准。 ? afflict? v.使苦恼, 折磨 be afflicted with…? 受…的折磨 -- He is afflicted with a disease (n.疾病, 病) affliction? n.痛苦, 苦恼? afflictive? adj.带给人痛苦的, 苦恼的, 难受的 ? ease? n.容易 with ease? 熟练地, 轻而易举地 at ease? 安逸, 自由自在? be/feel ill at ease? 局促不安, 心神不宁 put sb. at his ease? 使某人宽心, 使某人感到无拘无束 -- The manager put his shop assistants at their ease. (shop assistant? n.店员) take ones ease? 安心, 放心? -- I take my ease to study English here. ? nature? n.大自然 ? conte


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