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PPT的制作方法您了解了吗 PPT是一种演示的东西,是一种可视化、多媒体化沟通的载体,是一种新的沟通前言!报告会、讲演不需求再像以往用Word文档照本宣读, 而是能够用PPT进行生动的、全方位的展现、演绎;PPT不再是像板书般带有说教性,更多的是互动的、依据不一样个性进行展现的;PPT中将杂乱的逻辑关系 更明晰、直观地展现出来。 可见,PPT的功用益发强壮了,咱们也发觉了PPT有许多功用值得咱们去发掘,去学习,为了更 好地晋升个人的工作功率,十分好地让个人在老板和客户面前取得欣赏,十分好地让你的提案或许构思得到更多人的认可,十分好地让你的训练生动化,明晰化,请运用好 PPT这个载体吧!让咱们从头以与时俱进的眼光去看待PPT,去运用PPT!以下为您分析PPT关联操作办法,期望能够给您带来协助。 PPT is a demonstration of things, is a carrier of visualization, multimedia communication, is a new communication objective! Report, report is not need to used as the Word document according to this reading, but you can use the PPT to carry out a full range of vivid, show, deduction; PPT is no longer a like writing on the blackboard with didactic, more interactive, according to different personality shows; logical relationship cluttered PPT will be more clear, show. Visible, the utility of PPT is more and more strong, we also found that PPT has many functions is worth to explore, to learn, to work power better promotion person, very good to let individuals appreciate in front of the boss and customer, very good to let your proposal may concept has been recognized by more people, very good make training vivid, your clear, please make good use of PPT of this vector! Lets start with the vision to look at PPT, to use PPT! The following analysis of your PPT connection operation way, expect to be able to bring you help. PowerPoint中制造影子艺术字 Create a shadow word art PowerPoint 行“刺进→图画→艺术字”指令,按提示将相应的艺术字刺进到幻灯片中,然后将此艺术字仿制一份。 The first performance of Pierce, picture, word art instruction, will be prompted to corresponding artistic words pierced into the slide, and then the word art imitating a. 选中需求制造成影子的艺术字,按“绘图”东西栏上的“绘图”按钮,在随后弹出的方便菜单中,顺次挑选“旋转或翻转→笔直翻转”选项即可 Select the demand for manufacturing into art of Shadow Word, by drawing bar drawing button, the pop-up menu in the convenience, in order to choose rotate or flip, straight turning option PowerPoint XP处置动画和视频方面的几则运用窍门: PowerPoint XP disposal of animation and video seve


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