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摘 要 近年来,关于中国菜名翻译的研究日益增多,但是一直缺乏统一的标准,同时关于江浙饮食名称的英译研究基本上还是空白。作者在介绍中国饮食文化的相关理论后,较为全面地总结了菜名特点和功能,并在此基础上分析了可以用于指导中式菜名翻译的翻译理论,包括“信”、“对等”、“归化异化”原则。按照这些总体原则的要求和菜名特点,作者提出了中式菜名英译需遵循的具体原则,包括准确理解菜名、译文要传播文化信息、符合审美原则、遵循惯有译法等。进而通过结合江浙菜的特色对具体译例进行分析,提出此类翻译的主要技巧:直译、直译加注、意译等,并提出根据菜名的文化内涵灵活选择最佳翻译方法,忠实于原文使译文有可读性,又不去一味臆造。 ABSTRACT Recently, the studies about translation of Chinese dish name are increasing, but there is no uniform translation standard. Also the research on translation of names of local dishes in Zhejiang and Jiangsu is almost blank. After giving the related information of Chinese catering culture, the writer sums up the features and functions of Chinese dish names, and on the basis of that, analyses the translation principles and criteria, namely “faithfulness”, “equivalence”, “domesticating foreignizing translation” as the general principles for the English translation of Chinese dish names. In light of these general principles, the writer proposes four practical translation principles, including correct comprehension of the dish’s name, conveying of cultural elements, and transmittance of aesthetical value and adoption of common practice. Further by combining the characteristic of Zhejiang and Jiangsu dishes, the writer analyses specific examples and puts forward specific translation techniques like literal translation, literal translation plus explanation, free translation and other techniques. The writer points out that the translator should flexibly apply these techniques according to dish names’ cultural connotation. Keyword:dish names of Zhejiang and Jiangsu; translation principles; translation techniques Contents 1.Introduction 1 2 .Features and functions of Chinese dish names 2 2.1 Features of dish names 2 2.2 Functions of hinese dish names 4 3. Applicable theories for the translation of dish names 6 3.1 Faithfulness 6 3.2 Equivalence 6 3.3 Domesticating foreignizing translation 8 4. Practical principles for the translation of dish


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