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* Part Five Quiz 岛评纯哥仿饥陡胀垂适制韵仟芳傀会鸿辗肃尔样陛挠民昔视蜜沛晶汀钓静Part 7.5Part 7.5 Part Five: Quiz Quiz Vocabulary and Structure Cloze 菜定钥痴惰敷埋沙柠怜饺剿态霹眠弱辑谓足熄牙憨姆昂互说邦妻粹娟席残Part 7.5Part 7.5 Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true ______ it comes to classroom tests. A. before B. as C. since D. when √ √ To be continued 2. He can only have picked _____ such excellent English by living in the foreign country. A. up B. with C. out D. at Vocabulary and Structure Part Five: QuizVocabulary and Structure Directions: Choose the item that best completes the sentence. 制宇渍讼咬仲椒劣焉抨崩驯耙的蕴甲吟铡拥崭脉簇经抬梗很捎哇沏刑戮瞧Part 7.5Part 7.5 √ √ √ To be continued 3. The road is full of ____ turns. A. urgent B. abrupt C. accidental D. swift 4. To undertake this duty involves _____ on holidays; however, she doesn’t mind it at all. A. work B. to work C. having to work D. to have to work 5. People in other parts of the world have been ____ Christmas for many centuries. A. observing B. attending C. engaging D. enjoying Part Five: QuizVocabulary and Structure 文稳皇哨没浆狗恤效刁羔站肪敛劳袭笺妖考坞枯德岗烤峪膳朵法辽过咨涪Part 7.5Part 7.5 6. I’ll get Bill to accompany me _____ the piano when I sing a song at the school concert. A. by B. with C. on D. to 7. He _____ me that Dr. Black would come. A. ensured B. assured C. insured D. secured 8. Our manager often acts ____ the consequences. A. regarding B. regardless of C. as regards D. with regard to √ √ √ To be continued Part Five: QuizVocabulary and Structure 貌幸李囊宦谜咆醋窄晃亚仲溺弃搽哮连遥旭鸳垃稠管硼嫁柴跺阀复斑赫滦Part 7.5Part 7.5 9. _____ man forgets his wife’s birthday, which will have bad effect on the marital life. A. Many B. A great many C. Many a


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