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支路车辆通行与多点行人非法穿越过街的混合仿真分析 摘要:本文针对的是城市中一些两边没有隔离栅栏设施的支路上有行人随机过街时车流与行人流干扰现象,通过分析行人过街规则,建立行人与车流相互作用的元胞自动机仿真模型。分析了不同车辆进入概率、行人产生概率对车流量、车辆平均通行时间、行人过街平均等待时间的影响。行人产生概率越大,车流受行人的干扰越大,则道路的车辆通行能力越小。行人过街平均等待时间一般随着车流量的减少而降低,而且过街行人数越大的话过街平均等待时间也会减小。车辆通行时间一般随着进入车辆减少而增加,但在过街行人流量很大时车辆通行时间变化无明显规律且发生了明显的车辆和行人相分离。在车流量不大的情况下,适当的允许行人穿越过街不会影响整个道路的通行能力。并通过仿真分析了车流与行人流的时空规律,发现了一些有趣的现象。本文建立的仿真模型可用来分析城市次级道路在有过街行人干扰情况下的通行能力和阻抗,对于提高城市交通规划的科学性具有重要意义。 关键词:城市交通元胞自动机;行人 separating barriers in cities where pedestrian crossings appear randomly at any location of both sides of the road. Rules of pedestrians’ crossing street are analyzed and Cellular Automata (CA) model for simulating the interaction of vehicle flows and pedestrian crossings is proposed. The influence of the number of vehicles and pedestrian crossings on volume and travel time of vehicle flows, average wait time of pedestrians to cross is investigated through a simulation illustration. Simulation results showed that more of pedestrian crossings cause more interrupts to vehicle flows, and so the capacity of the road becomes smaller. The average wait time of pedestrians to cross would decrease with the decrease of vehicle flow rate, and also decrease with the increase of pedestrian crossings. The average travel time on the road of vehicles usually increases with the decrease of vehicle flow rate, however, it has no apparent variation rules and phase separation appears under a big flow of pedestrians. Permitting an appropriate number of pedestrian crossings will not apparently affect the capacity of the road if vehicle flow rate is not big. Moreover, temporal and spatial characteristics of vehicle flows and pedestrian flows and some interesting phenomena are found through the simulation illustration. The simulation model proposed in this paper can provide analysis for the road capacity and impedance under interrupts from pedestrian crossings on open roads in cities, which is of great meaning for improve urban transportation planning. Ke


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