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杨威 于峥 于志静中国中医科学院中医基础理论研究所,北京 100700摘要:《新刊图解素问要旨论》为金代刘完素所著,经弟子马宗素整理、校订、刊发,仅有一部清抄本传世。该书详细阐释五运六气格局及其医学意义,论及大小运、平气运及“年月日时同”等,养生重应时之所宜补衰抑盛,诊病参脉候推生克,治病从标本察顺逆,提倡知常御变,综合考量运气加临、脏腑虚实、疾病演变等,为后学者临证体验提供了线索与依据。关键词:《新刊图解素问要旨论》;刘完素;马宗素;五运六气doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2014.02.007Discussion on Main Ideas of Yunqi Theory in Diagrammatizing Main Ideas in Su WenYang Wei, Yu Zheng, Yu Zhijing(Institute of Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China)Abstract: Diagrammatizing Main Ideas in Su Wen, as the only codex handed down from Qing Dynasty, was written by Liu Wansu in Jin Dynasty, and was collated and revised by his disciple Ma Zongsu. This book elaborates Yunqi (Five Evolutive Phases and Six Climatic Factors) Theory in detail, expounds major and minor Evolutive Phases, normal Evolutive Phases, and the concept of the changes of Yunqi are similar in a year, a month, and a day. It also advocates that health cultivation requires human beings to follow laws of nature, invigorate asthenia-syndromes and restrain excess. Furthermore, it argues that doctors should deduce generation and restriction in the Five Evolutive Phases through palpating, and treat diseases by observing primary and secondary symptoms and signs in due or reverse order. In addition, it promotes that human beings should notice normal features and unusual changes in climatic factors, consider the theory of Yunqi, deficiency and excess of organs, and evolution of disease synthetically, in order to provide learners with clues and basic theories in clinical practice.Key words: Diagrammatizing Main Ideas in Su Wens; Liu Wansu; Ma Zongsu; Yunqi theory 《新刊图解素问要旨论》亦称《内经运气要旨论》《内经要旨论》,为金代刘完素所著,经弟子马宗素整理、校订。该书流传不广,宋乃光等[1]以现存唯一刻本清抄本为底本收入《刘完素医学全书》。该书分为彰释玄机、五行司化、六化变用、抑怫郁发、元相胜复、六步气候变用、通明形气、法明标本、守正防危等九篇,撮《素问》枢要,重点探讨五运六气格局及其医学意义。1 《新刊图解素问要旨论》版本流传刘完素(1110-1200年),金代河间人(今河北省河间县),字守真,号河间居士,别号守真子,自号通玄处士,金章宗赐号高尚先生,后人尊称“刘河间”。刘完素提倡“守至真要大论之旨”,推崇《内经》五基金项目:科技部基本科研业务费自主选题(