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青年肺癌的临床特点及诊治体会   摘要:目的:研究并分析青年肺癌的临床特点以及诊治体会,以不断提高青年肺癌的临床诊治水平。方法:我院2007年6月-2012年6月期间一共收治了青年肺癌患者106例,将所有青年肺癌患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,并将其与128例老年肺癌患者的临床资料进行对比与分析。结果:青年人肺癌患者的早期症状较轻,容易导致误诊,应该格外注意患者的外体征检查,特别对于烟龄较早、出现咳血并伴有不同程度胸痛的患者,应该尤为注意。青年肺癌患者的病理类型主要以腺癌为主,确诊时肺癌晚期的病例较多(62.5%),手术切除的效果不尽理想(41.5%),青年肺癌患者5年的平均生存率为12.5%。结论:青年肺癌的恶性程度较高,极易误诊,科学的诊断与积极的治疗时提高其生存率的关键。   关键词:青年肺癌;临床特点;诊治体会   Youth lung cancer clinical characteristics and diagnosis and treatment experience   Chen Dan Wei Maogang Fan Huiming   Abstract:Objective: to study and analysis the clinical characteristics of youth lung cancer and the experience of diagnosis, in order to improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer youth level. Methods: from June 2007 - June 2012 were a total of 50 cases of patients with lung cancer the youth, youth will all the clinical data of patients with lung cancer were retrospectively analyzed, and combining it with the 128 elderly cases of lung cancer patients clinical data were compared and analyzed. Results: the young people of the patients with lung cancer early symptoms is lighter, easily lead to misdiagnosis and should be paid more attention of the patients the symptoms check, especially for two ship-build units appear earlier, hemoptysis and with different degree of chest pain patients, should particularly note. Young patients with lung cancer pathological types mainly adenocarcinoma is given priority to, when diagnosed cases of lung cancer late more (62.5%), the effect of the surgical resection are ideal (41.5%), young patients with lung cancer 5 years of average survival was 12.5%. Conclusion: youth lung cancer malignant degree is higher, easy misdiagnosis, scientific diagnosis and aggressive treatment to improve the survival rate when the key.   Key words:youth lung cancer clinical characteristics of diagnosis and treatment experience   【中图分类号】R730.43 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-7526(2012)12-0010-02   青年肺癌是威胁着青年健康的常见恶性肿瘤之一,近些年来,其发生率显著增加,由于其临床症状并不明显,加之其缺乏特征性,极易被误诊[1]。为了提高


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