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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文摘要文化与高等教育的关系是高等教育学研究的重要课题。我国高等教育发展中的有关问题需要从文化的角度进行分析和探讨。文化对高等教育的发展有较大的影响,这在我国近代高校英语教育的发展过程中表现得尤为突出。我国近代高校英语教育正是在文化变迁的过程中逐渐发展起来的,是中西文化交流和融合的产物,其发展经历了曲折的变化。文化与我国近代高校英语教育是一种辩证的互动关系。其中我国近代“西学东渐”所导致的文化的深层部分——人们的价值观、思维方式、文化心理结构等的变迁对当时的高校英语教育有较大的作用,对我国近代高校英语教育在各个方面的发展都产生了强烈而深远的影响,如英语教育的思想和体制、英语教育的师资、课程、教学方式和方法等等。对我国近代英语教育进行翔实地梳理,以史为主,史论结合,能揭示出我国英语教育在近代不同历史时期的现状、经验和教训。我国近代高校的英语教育已成为历史,历史是一面镜子,可以折射出许多道理,其中一些教育思想和教学理论对我国当代高校英语教育都有一定的影响。如我国近代高校英语教育注重翻译实践的教学模式,语言和科学相结合的英语课程设置,英语教学措施不断调整并定位于为社会需求服务的方向,对当今高校英语教育仍具有相当的参考价值。关键词:西学东渐 文化变迁高等教育I高校英语教育华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文AbstractThe study on the relationship between culture and higher education is an importantsubject. Some issues on higher education need to be discussed from the culture point ofview. Higher education, especially the English learning of higher education was greatlyinfluenced by the culture evolution in China. The development of English leaning ofhigher education in the earlier modern China has undergone tortuous change during theculture evolution, which was the result of the eastern and western cultural communicationand amalgamation. Culture and English education in the earlier modern China aredialectically interactive. The culture evolution which was caused by “the introduction ofwestern learning into China” greatly changed the values, thinking way and psychologicalstructure of the people, and then influenced every aspects of the English learning of highereducation, such as English education ideology, system, teachers, curriculum, and teachingmethod. The study of “the English learning of higher education in the earlier modernChina” is on the basis of history as well as the combination of historical facts anddiscussion. It provides the condition, experiences as well as the lessons of the Englishlearning of higher education in the earlier modern China. The history can reflect a lot ofuseful things, many practices of English leaning in the past are still very valuable in themodern times, such as


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